Question 1 (45 marks)a) For each of the following statements, write the converse, inverse and contrapositivestatement. Use p = hypothesis and q = conclusion. Also, provide the mathematicalnotations...

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Question 1 (45 marks)a) For each of the following statements, write the converse, inverse and contrapositivestatement. Use p = hypothesis and q = conclusion. Also, provide the mathematicalnotations for the respective statements.(i) If the weather is nice, then I will wash the truck (5 marks)(ii) If � >5, then, �2>25 (5marks)(iii)~� →(~�∆�) (5marks)b) Write each of the following statements in the symbolic form and determine whichpairs (if any) are logically equivalent. Ensure that you explain the steps taken andthe reason for your decision.(i) Ifthegoodsareunsatisfactory,thenyourmoneywillberefunded.(ii) Goodssatisfactoryormoneyrefunded.(iii) Ifyourmoneyisnotrefunded,thenthegoodsaresatisfactory.(iv) Ifthegoodsaresatisfactory,thenyourmoneywillnotberefunded.(15 marks)c) Show that (p ∨ q) ∧ (r ∨ ¬ q) → (p ∨ r) is a tautology. Ensure that you explain thesteps taken and the reason for your decision. (15 marks)Question1AMarkingScheme• Explanationofeachstep– 5marks• Workings– 10marksQuestion1B MarkingScheme• Explanationofeachstep– 5marks• Workings – 10 marks2Question 2 (30 marks)Use mathematical induction to prove the following formulae for every positive integer na)11.2.3 +12.3.4 +13.4.5 + ⋯ +1�(� + 1)(� + 2) = �(� + 3)4(� + 1)(� + 2)Ensure that you explain the steps taken. (15 marks)b)1! + 3! + 5! + ⋯ + (2� − 1)! = �"(2�" − 1)Ensure that you explain the steps taken. (15 marks)Question2A MarkingScheme• Explanationofeachstep– 5marks• Workings – 10 marksQuestion2B MarkingScheme• Explanationofeachstep– 5marks• Workings – 10 marks
Answered Same DayFeb 01, 2021

Answer To: Question 1 (45 marks)a) For each of the following statements, write the converse, inverse and...

Rajeswari answered on Feb 02 2021
162 Votes
75202 assignment
    p = hypothesis
    If th
e weather is nice, then I will wash the truck
    Weather is nice
    I will wash the truck
    If I wash the truck then the weather is nice
    If the weather is not nice, then I will not wash the truck
    ~p --> ~q
    If I do not wash the truck, then weather is not nice.
    If n > 5, then, n^2 > 25
    If n^2>25, then n>5
    If n is not greater than 5, then n^2 is not greater than 25.
    ~p --> ~q
    If n^2 is not greater than 25, n is not greater than 5
    ~q → (~r∆p)

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