Quasi-Experimental Designs While true experiments contain the highest degree of control, they are not always possible in some situations. Quasi-experiments are similar to experiments in that they...

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Quasi-Experimental Designs

While true experiments contain the highest degree of control, they are not always possible in some situations. Quasi-experiments are similar to experiments in that they include some type of manipulation to compare two or more conditions; however, they do not have complete control over the variables in a study. Thus, they do not meet all of the conditions required for an experiment. Select one of the quasi-experimental designs discussed in the chapter and propose your own study that would use that design. Explain why that design is necessary over an experimental design. With respect to your proposed study, discuss some of the potential threats to validity and how those may impact the overall results. How could you change your proposed study to make it a true experimental design?Post should be at least 300 words.

Answered Same DayApr 04, 2021

Answer To: Quasi-Experimental Designs While true experiments contain the highest degree of control, they are...

Swati answered on Apr 05 2021
155 Votes
Quasi-Experimental Designs means resembling the experimental research but it is not true experimental research. There is manipulation of independent variables and participants are not assigned randomly to the conditions (Cook & Campbell, 1979). Before the measurement of dependent variable, there is manipulation of independent variable in such experiments resulting in elimination of directionality issue. Further as there is no random assignment of participants, it makes that there are other variations between conditions and issue of confounding variables is not eliminated. Thus, validity of these experiments is between true experiments and the correlational studies. These are conducted mostly in field settings where it is impossible or very difficult to assign randomly. They tend to evaluate the effectiveness of a treatment mostly. Some of quasi experiment designs include nonequivalent group design, pretest-posttest design, interrupted time series design, combination designs, pretest only design, regression discontinuity, etc. (Dinardo,...

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