Q.No.2. Write the code for the following UML diagram. Vehicle -color:String -speed:double -fuel:double +state: String +input():void +addFuel(): double +moving().void +stop().void +display():void 1....

Using oop in java

Q.No.2.<br>Write the code for the following UML diagram.<br>Vehicle<br>-color:String<br>-speed:double<br>-fuel:double<br>+state: String<br>+input():void<br>+addFuel(): double<br>+moving().void<br>+stop().void<br>+display():void<br>1. Input(): Ask user to provide values for color and fuel.<br>Default values for speed is

Extracted text: Q.No.2. Write the code for the following UML diagram. Vehicle -color:String -speed:double -fuel:double +state: String +input():void +addFuel(): double +moving().void +stop().void +display():void 1. Input(): Ask user to provide values for color and fuel. Default values for speed is "0" and state is “stopped" 2. addFuel(): Ask user to provide value for fuel to add. Add that value in fuel (attribute) and return value of total fuel. 3. moving(): Ask user to provide the speed of vehicle and fuel consumption. Set the value of speed and reduce the fuel (attribute) according to fuel consumption. And also set the state to "Moving". 4. stop(): This method will display that "Vehicle is stopped" and sets the value of speed to "0" and state to "Stopped" 5. display(): This method will display the attributes value to output like: "Vehicle is stopped. It has red color. It's speed is 0.0 and fuel is 2.5 Liter" Answer:

Jun 09, 2022

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