Q)Describe and discuss at least two backup strategies. Discuss the use of cloud backup strategies, as well?ANSWER)The whole idea of taking a backup is to devise a replica of the Data on the computers...

Q)Describe and discuss at least two backup strategies. Discuss the use of cloud backup strategies, as well?ANSWER)The whole idea of taking a backup is to devise a replica of the Data on the computers or servers, so that whenever we can restore the data after it is lost, cleared, or corrupted because of a Trojan or a virus attack. The main purpose behind backing up of data is to enable restoration at later stages of operations. There are many types of Backup strategies; few of them are as follows    I.            Full Data Backup/File Based Backups   II.            Differential Backup   III.            Incremental Backup IV.            Synthetic Backups V.            Mirrorin VI.            Continuous Data Protection  VII.            Reverse IncrementalLet us discuss regarding two of the backup techniques:Full Data Backup/File Based Backup: The most common type of back up technique is Full Data Backup. This backup technique includes creating a copy of the data into another external media such as disk, DVD or tape.

This backup strategy involves creating a full backup of the data that is available in a single disk, but it takes maximum time to complete a full back up when compared to other backup strategies.Incremental Backup: In this type of backup technique, difference of the data is backed-up, which is different from the last backup. The time stamp on the files decides whether the file has backed-up or not, when compared to the last backup if it is different it is copied or left as it is    The advantages of this backup strategy is that it only copies small amount of data than the previous technique discussed and is also time and cost efficient.

Use of Cloud Backup Strategies: Cloud backup is the most secure and safest place to store information. It provides added security and expresses prints at occasional intervals. It is also known as online backup strategy since it backs up the data through a public network into an offsite server, maintained by a different service provid  Because of Cloud Backup the organizations can achieve quick recovery in case of any issues, Availability at any possible time, Better security regulations, Cost efficient, and Access to the data is possible from any part of the world.ReferencesCrosman, P, L. (2005). Better Backup strategies If your organization depends on tape backup, it’s time to think about tapering off.IT Architect. 20(11). 39-44 Retrieved Fromresolver.ebscohost.com.library.acaweb.org/openurl?sid=EBSCO%3aedsbl&genre=article&issn=15572145&ISBN=&volume=20&issue=11&date=20050101&spage=39&pages=39-44&title=IT+ARCHITECT&atitle=Better+Backup+Strategies+If+your+organization+depends+on+tape+backup%2c+it%27s+time+to+think+about+tapering+off&aulast=Crosman%2c+P.+L.&id=DOI%3a&site=ftf-liveAchiya, Bar-On., Itai, D., Orr. D., Rani, H., Nathan, K., Eyal, R., Adi, S. (2017). Optimal Backup Strategies Against Cyber Attacks. Retrieved From http://0-eds.b.ebscohost.com.library.acaweb.org/eds/detail/detail?vid=0&sid=34b080fc-7021-4859-aa6e53807b7918c4%40sessionmgr102&bdata=JkF1dGhUeXBlPWlwLGNwaWQsdXJsJmN1c3RpZD1zNDMzODIzMA%3d%3d#AN=edsarx.1704.02659&db=edsarx

Crosman, L, P. (2005). Better Backup Strategies.Manhasset, 20(11), pp39-44 Retrieved From http://0-resolver.ebscohost.com.library.acaweb.org/openurl?sid=EBSCO%3aedsbl&genre=article&issn=15572145&ISBN=&volume=20&issue=11&date=20050101&spage=39&pages=39-44&title=IT+ARCHITECT&atitle=Better+Backup+Strategies+If+your+organization+depends+on+tape+backup%2c+it%27s+time+to+think+about+tapering+off&aulast=Crosman%2c+P.+L.&id=DOI%3a&site=ftf-liveI NEED A REPLY FOR THIS DISCUSSION

May 19, 2022

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