Q5) Suppose a bank offers annual interest of 3% on balances of less than $5,000, 3.25% on balances of $5,000 or more but less than $10,000, and 3.5% for balance of $10,000 or more. Write a script in...

Using matlab commands Note solution without using ready-made functions

Q5) Suppose a bank offers annual interest of 3% on balances of less than $5,000, 3.25% on<br>balances of $5,000 or more but less than $10,000, and 3.5% for balance of $10,000 or more.<br>Write a script in Matlab to find the new balance.<br>Note: New balance= (1+ interest).(balance)<br>

Extracted text: Q5) Suppose a bank offers annual interest of 3% on balances of less than $5,000, 3.25% on balances of $5,000 or more but less than $10,000, and 3.5% for balance of $10,000 or more. Write a script in Matlab to find the new balance. Note: New balance= (1+ interest).(balance)

Jun 07, 2022

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