Q1.Torsionduringhipexternal rotationandextension mayexplainwhyacetabularlabraltearsoccurinprofessionalathletes.Thearticle“HipRotationalVelocities DuringtheFull GolfSwing”(J.ofSportsScience andMed.,2009:296–299), reported on an investigation in which lead hip internal peak rotational velocity (x) and trailing hip peak external rotational velocity (y) were determined for a sample of n=15 golfers. Separate normal probability plots showed very substantial linearpatterns, hence, no bias was observed.
Data provided by the article’s authors was used to calculatethefollowingsummaryquantities:
a.Calculate a point estimated for the population correlation coefficient, r.
.Determine a t-test at significance level 0.01 to decide whether there is a linear relationship between the two velocities in the sampled population; your conclusion shouldbebasedonaP-value.
c.Evaluate iftheconclusionof(b)havechangedifyouhad testedappropriate hypothesestodecidewhetherthereis apositivelinearassociationinthepopulation?Whatifa significancelevelof 0.05ratherthan 0.01hadbeenused?Q1.
Torsionduringhipexternal rotationandextension mayexplainwhyacetabularlabraltearsoccurinprofessionalathletes.Thearticle“HipRotationalVelocities DuringtheFull GolfSwing”(J.ofSportsScience andMed.,2009:296–299), reported on an investigation in which lead hip internal peak rotational velocity (x) and trailing hip peak external rotational velocity (y) were determined for a sample of n=15 golfers. Separate normal probability plots showed very substantial linearpatterns, hence, no bias was observed.
Data provided by the article’s authors was used to calculatethefollowingsummaryquantities:
a.Calculate a point estimated for the population correlation coefficient, r.
.Determine a t-test at significance level 0.01 to decide whether there is a linear relationship between the two velocities in the sampled population; your conclusion shouldbebasedonaP-value.
c.Evaluate iftheconclusionof(b)havechangedifyouhad testedappropriate hypothesestodecidewhetherthereis apositivelinearassociationinthepopulation?Whatifa significancelevelof 0.05ratherthan 0.01hadbeenused?