Q1. Write a C++ program to take pizza order from the user. Size: medium, large, small Toppings: Onion, Tomato, Jalapeno, Cheese. Take the order from the user and if the order does not meet the...

Q1. Write a C++ program to take pizza order from the user. Size: medium, large, small Toppings: Onion, Tomato, Jalapeno, Cheese. Take the order from the user and if the order does not meet the availability then throw an exception printing the statement - the order cannot be completed at this moment.

Q2. Write a C++ program that handles the exception any side is not positive. First get three sides of a triangle from the user. If any side is not positive number, use exception handling to display error messages. Otherwise, check if they could form an equilateral traingle. Create an exception class and create a function to check sides of the triangle.try{}catch(Arg 1){}catch(Arg 2){}

Q3. 1. Create an integer array class IntArray with constructor to manually set the index boundary and a function to input the value with proper index.

2. The constructor will check whether the minimum index is zero and the maximum index is bigger than the minimum index. Throw the exception if not.

3. The fillin function will check the index value is non-overflow(range 0- 100)

class Int Array{


int* content;

int maxIdx;

int minIdx;


You need to create three different exceptions for each exception! The routine in the main function should be similar as following:



IntArray array(min, max); //constructor

cin>> index>>value;

array.fillin(index, value);//input function


catch(Exception 1){}

catch (Exception2){}

Q4.Add exception handling to the C++ code of template class

May 19, 2022

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