Q1: Does financial intermediation require the existence of a bank? Why?
Q2: Are banks special? What do you think is special about a bank? “We do not have theories of the steel-producing firm or the automobile firm”-why do you think we need a theory of the banking firm?
Q3: Why banks go for global? Critically discuss the trends in international banking?
Q4. What is Market risk in general? Explain the concept and mechanics of the Value-at-Risk (VaR) methodology proposed for the evaluation of market risk based capital requirements. Comment on the application, effectiveness, and extension of VaR as a risk management tool in banking. Compare the value at risk with expected shortfall and stress testing as a tool of market risk management. Which tool is superior? As a risk manager, which one you prefer in the 21st century?
Q5. Identify the main techniques employed by banks to control for interest rate risk and credit risk. How effective are these risk management techniques and comment on their relation to recent crisis?
Q6. Review the international regulations on money laundering activity. What insights, does the economics of crime contribute to the understanding of money laundering activity and how can it be used to combat money laundering?
Q7. “The reasons why banks failure is numerous and often interlinked. Managerial deficiencies are often important and there is a very fine line between bad management and fraud”- discuss critically. Discuss the different approaches to the resolution of a failed bank. Discuss the principle of “least -cost-resolution” and how it applies to the choice of regulatory tool?
Q8. What was the main causes of major banking crisis? How international banking effected during banking crisis? Define the process of crisis management. What elements influence the success of crisis management and bank restructuring? Briefly discuss major regulatory developments that have impacted LCFIs (Large and Complex Financial Institutions) since 2007.
Q9. ‘Banks cannot be trusted to regulate themselves and, therefore, prudential controls are a necessary evil’. Discuss. Compare among the evolvement of the major banking regulation Basle 1, 2 and 3 in terms of suggested measures to increase the degree of market discipline on bank’s risk taking and capital adequacy. The planning of Basle 4 is approaching-comment on that.
Q10. What are the theories of bank competition? Discuss in brief the pros and cons of each measurement in brief. Discuss the two opposing theoretical views, the competition-stability view and the competition –fragility views. Why does the empirical literature provide conflicting results? How can more competition lead to greater banking system stability? Does state bail out of major banks distort the competitive environment in banking system?
Q11. What is securitization? Comment on its significance for domestic and international banking. Discuss the implications of securitization for the long-term future of banking.
Q12. What are the motives of mergers and acquisition? How are mergers affecting new entry in banking markets? How has financial innovation and globalisation (mergers and acquisitions) affected trends in international banking?