Q1. consider the advantages and potential disadvantages of there different ways of promoting health. E.g health campaign, health risk advice and medical intervention.Q2 Access the relative merits of...

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Q1. consider the advantages and potential disadvantages of there different ways of promoting health. E.g health campaign, health risk advice and medical intervention.Q2 Access the relative merits of different communication resources to promote health.

Q1 requires example of each advantage and disadvantage you have chosen, word count is 1000 and minimum of 3 different merit of communication resources to promote health (500) and Harvard reference.

Answered 2 days AfterMay 16, 2022

Answer To: Q1. consider the advantages and potential disadvantages of there different ways of promoting health....

Insha answered on May 18 2022
91 Votes
Promoting health
Table of Contents
Q1.    3
Advantages    3
Disadvantages    4
Q2.    4
Health promotion through    5
References    7
A series of acts aimed at promoting excellent well-being and health is known as health promotion (Rosas et al. 2022). He
alth promotion includes more than just telling people how to take care of their bodies. Rather of concentrating on persons at risk for specific diseases, activities are focused toward avoiding illness and boosting health. This project involves the entire populace in their daily life. Few strategies of promoting health are as follows:
1. construct sound public policies
2. build a welcoming environment
3. bolster community action
4. personal skills development
5. reorganize health-care services
1. In malaria-endemic regions, insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs) are advised as a major individual intervention. Access to ITNs would be made available, and their correct usage would be encouraged every night from nightfall to morning (Tandon, 2020). The community should be educated on how to utilize the nets and assisted in hanging them after 'Hang up' campaigns. Vector control, larval control, and Environmental modification techniques for malaria prevention have all benefited from cross-sectoral collaboration.
2. The Framingham Heart Study identified important CVD risk variables such psychological disorders, gender, age, cholesterol, and blood pressure. In the early 1970s, the death rate from coronary heart disease among males in Finland was the highest in the world (Fernandez-Jimenez et al. 2018). The goal of the plan was to cut down on saturated salt and fat consumption while increasing vegetable and fruit consumption.
3. Strong collaborations were also formed with the media, community-based organizations, the food sector and supermarkets, non-governmental and health-related groups, and schools. Legislative initiatives backed up coordination and nutrition education within the food sector, and the results were impressive. Ischemic heart disease mortality decreased by 65 percent across Finland and 73 percent in North Karelia, according to Tandon, (2020) in one surveys, with a significant drop in saturated salt and fat intake.
1. This method implies that increasing information affects attitudes, which leads to a change in behaviour. Economic and Social reasons may stifle voluntary behaviour change. It might be difficult to make health-related decisions.
2. Traditional public health...

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