Q/ write C++ program to create class called grades that has data members Degl, Deg2, and Deg3, also has a constructor to assign values, and another constructor to reset values, also method to display...

I need the answer as soon as possibleQ/ write C++ program to create class called grades that has data<br>members Degl, Deg2, and Deg3, also has a constructor to assign<br>values, and another constructor to reset values, also method to<br>display values, and method to find the subtraction of grades.<br>

Extracted text: Q/ write C++ program to create class called grades that has data members Degl, Deg2, and Deg3, also has a constructor to assign values, and another constructor to reset values, also method to display values, and method to find the subtraction of grades.

Jun 10, 2022

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