Q 3 emitter voltage divider-biased circuit. Given that RB = 25kΩ, R2 = 2.5kΩ, RC = 5kΩ, RE = 1kΩ, VCC = 22V, VBE = 0.7V, C1 = C2 = 10µF and β= 90, (i) the Thevenin equivalent circuit. (ii) the base current, IBQ, the collector current, ICQ and the collector-emitter voltage, VCEQ. (iii) the collector voltage, VC, the emitter voltage, VE, and the base voltage, VB. (b) If the circuit in Figure Q3 has ro = 40kΩ, (i) Draw the AC equivalent circuit using re model. Label all currents, voltages, resistors and directions correctly. (ii) Analyze the circuit to determine re, input impedance, Zi, output impedance, Zo and voltage gain, Av.
Extracted text: Vcc I. RB Rc C: H I B Z, Vio E R: RE C: