PYTHONWrite a program that writes a series of random numbers to a file. Each random number should be in the range of 1 through 100. The application should let the user specify how many random numbers...

PYTHONWrite a program that writes a series of random numbers to a file. Each random number should be in the range of 1 through 100. The application should let the user specify how many random numbers the file will hold.I have a program written and I keep running into an error when I enter a number. The error says: " line 15, in main


ValueError: I/O operation on closed file."

Any ideas what I can do to fix it? Program is below. Thank you in advance!!!

import random

#main function

def main():

#program message

print("Random Number File Generator")

#prompt user to enter total numbers

count=int(input("How many random numbers should file hold:"))

#create new text file

outfile=open('random numbers writer.txt','w')

#loop to genertate random numbers and write it in file

while count!=0:


#write random generated number into text file





May 19, 2022

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