Python (Do following way) # We same a name is short if it is 3 characters or fewer. Ask the user for # their name with the prompt 'Enter your name: ' # If the len() of the user' name is less than 4,...

Python (Do following way)

# We same a name is short if it is 3 characters or fewer. Ask the user for
# their name with the prompt 'Enter your name: '
# If the len() of the user' name is less than 4, print the user's name,
# followed by 'is a short name'
# Otherwise, print the user's name, followed by 'is not a short name'

# DO NOT USE TWO IF STATEMENTS. Use an if + else. If you use two if statements
# I will deduct points even if your code passes the tests.

# For example:
# Enter your name: PB
# pb is a short name

# Another example:
# Enter your name: Lamio
# Lamio is not a short name

Jun 09, 2022

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