The purpose of this assessment task is for students to analyse a conflict situation, to understand the professional cultural competencies required when working with people and various aspects of the conflict. This builds on the skills and knowledge from the first two assessments.
the attached files, active reading and MULT1015 are the previous assignments scaffold - have provided them as this assignment refers about the knowledge of previous ones
Your essay should include:Your essay should include:
1.An introduction outlining the topic you are addressing, definition of key terms, signpost the main areas you will cover, and a thesis statement.
2.A body paragraph which briefly explains the background to the chosen conflict and summarises the perspectives of the participants in the protest.
3.A body paragraph that describes examples of cultural competency that a practitioner in your field would need when interacting with a protestor.
4.A body paragraph explaining the cultural competency responsibilities for professionals in your discipline using the relevant Code of Ethics. e.g if you are studying Social Work you would look at the code of ethics from the AASW on working with diverse clients
5.A body paragraph Describing how you might work with someone from another discipline from ACAP – e.g if you are studying Social Work how would you work with a psychologist or criminologist. .
6.A conclusion which summarises the main points of the paper and paraphrases your thesis statement.