Purpose of the Assignments: to evaluate an electronic advertisement so you become a more critical instructions are on page 9
consumer. Your instructor will provide a URL for the advertisement on Canvas. The advertisement
will be evaluated by comparing the claims made in the ad to scientific evidence and research findings.
Assignment Format
Page 1: Title Page
Pages 2 to 4 (or 5): Consumer Product Analysis
This section contains your analysis of both the ad itself and the product advertised; it should be
3-4 pages. You should comment on the positive aspects (praise) and the negative aspects
(criticism) of the ad, however the main purpose of this paper is evaluating the product and
whether there is research to support its’ claims. Your analysis should be in paragraph form,
and critical comments should be well developed. When discussing scientific articles to analyze
the product, please do not use direct quotes or copied material from the scientific articles.
Instead, paraphrase the information in your own words and cite appropriately in APA format.
In the text of your paper, the author & year of the scientific source should be indicated.
When more than two authors are cited, “et al.,” may be used as per APA format (however,
remember to include all names on Reference Page.). See example below:
According to Maughan et al. (2021), creatine supplementation has been shown to significantly increase
total body mass in subjects over a 4-week period.
When discussing the advertisement or product description, you may make limited use of short
quotations (e in APA format and cited
properly with page numbers, and author/year.
When critically evaluating the product, consider the following questions, if appropriate, but do not
limit your critique to only these questions:
• Is the use of this product supported by scientific evidence? If so, are there any conflicting results
among various studies? Do the subjects’ age, health condition, fitness level, etc. match those for
whom the ad is directed? Were there limitations and/or flaws in these studies? Describe the studies,
as appropriate, to defend your statements and give evidence for or against the claims made in the
• What, if any, contribution would the consumption or use of the product make to the nutrient intake,
physique, or fitness level of the intended consumer?
• Could some less expensive product be used to obtain the same results?
• What hazards/adverse effects might be associated with the use of this product? Are there any
conditions (e.g., medical, age-related) that would contraindicate the use of the product?