public static int[] bubblesort(int[] list) { int length boolean swapped%3; list.length; 本* Using a do while loop to minimize the amount of bubbling needed to verify that an list is sorted %23 */ do {...

can someone please help me calculate the time complexity of this block of code and also give me some tips so that I can do that on my own, I'm struggling

public static int[] bubblesort(int[] list) {<br>int length<br>boolean swapped%3;<br>list.length;<br>本*<br>Using a do while loop to minimize the amount of bubbling<br>needed to verify<br>that an list is sorted<br>%23<br>*/<br>do {<br>Swapped = false;<br>// loop through the entire list to perform swaps<br>for (int i = 0; i < length-1; i++) {<br>// if the current value is greater than the value to the<br>right of it, swap<br>if (list[i] > list[i + 1]) {<br>int tempValue = list[i];<br>list[i] = list[i + 1];<br>list[i + 1] = tempValue;<br>swapped = true;<br>%3D<br>}<br>} while (swapped);<br>return list;<br>

Extracted text: public static int[] bubblesort(int[] list) { int length boolean swapped%3; list.length; 本* Using a do while loop to minimize the amount of bubbling needed to verify that an list is sorted %23 */ do { Swapped = false; // loop through the entire list to perform swaps for (int i = 0; i < length-1;="" i++)="" {="" if="" the="" current="" value="" is="" greater="" than="" the="" value="" to="" the="" right="" of="" it,="" swap="" if="" (list[i]=""> list[i + 1]) { int tempValue = list[i]; list[i] = list[i + 1]; list[i + 1] = tempValue; swapped = true; %3D } } while (swapped); return list;

Jun 10, 2022

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