PSYC316 - Introduction to Statistical Analysis 2 : Assignment 4 1 How to hand-in your assignment 1. Submit two documents: (a) A word document (makes grading / and giving feedback simpler) that...

doing an anova analysis in r

PSYC316 - Introduction to Statistical Analysis 2 : Assignment 4 1 How to hand-in your assignment 1. Submit two documents: (a) A word document (makes grading / and giving feedback simpler) that contains all written answers, tables, and PDFs of the figures you rendered in R. (b) The .R file that you wrote / used to run your analyses and create figures 2. At the beginning of each file, insert the following comments (the # symbol is only for the .R files): # PSYC316 - Introduction to Statistical Analysis 2, Winter 2021 # Your name, your Concordia ID # Assignment 4 3. Make sure that you clearly identify each assignment section in the word file and your .R file (a) Use comments (#) in the .R file to label each section 4. Upload your assignment files using the link provided on Moodle. PSYC316 - Introduction to Statistical Analysis 2 Assignment 4 Due April 12th/14th 2021 by the end of day (11:59pm) Analysis of Variance - 1 Data file: BestTreatmentforEatingDisorders.sav The first dataset you will analyze contains observations for 63 participants in a study de- signed to assess what therapy type is best for treating eating disorders. The experimenters randomly assigned the 63 participants in one of two therapy groups. The first group received a Cognitive-Behavioural treatment for their eating disorder while the second underwent a psychodynamic treatment. They measured the participants’ response to food (number of grape consumed and distance between the bowl and the participant) following exposure to three different emotional triggers: 1) Work Stress, Relationship Stress, and Future Stress. The experimenters want to know how treatment types and emotional triggers impact disor- dered eating symptoms. Your Hypotheses: 1. Main Effect for Therapy: Those completing cognitive-behavioral therapy will be more likely to eat than those completing psychodynamic therapy. PSYC316 - Introduction to Statistical Analysis 2 : Assignment 4 2 2. Main Effect for Emotional Trigger: After exposure to relationship stress, participants will be less likely to eat compared to after exposure to either future or work stress. There will be no difference in eating behavior between work- and future-related stress. 3. Interaction Effect: Participants completing psychodynamic psychotherapy will be less likely to eat when exposed to relationship stress than any other combination of treat- ment and stress. Independent Variables 1. Therapy Type 2. Emotional Trigger Dependent Variables 1. Number of grapes consumed 2. Distance between participant and bowl As the dependent variable is measured in two ways, you will need to conduct two analysis. For each analysis 1. Define the contrasts you will use to explain any statistically significant main effect or interaction effect (consider the hypotheses listed above). 2. Visualize your data. Your chart should represent your group means across all levels of your independent variables. Use an appropriate chart for the type of data you are representing. 3. Verify that all assumptions for ANOVA are met 4. Conduct the appropriate ANOVA analysis (a) Oneway or Factorial (b) Between, Within, or Mixed 5. Report the overall findings of your ANOVA with a table and write a brief summary of the results of your planned comparisons, explaining whether or not your hypotheses were correct. Use proper APA formating when reporting contrasts in text. Analysis of Variance - 2 Data file: DoOthersHelpPerformance.sav The second dataset you will analyze contains observations for 65 children in a study in- vestigating how the support / presence of others may influence the completion time of tasks that vary in difficulty (Puzzles). The experimenters randomly assigned the 65 participants in one of three groups. The first had confederates that would encourage the child while they PSYC316 - Introduction to Statistical Analysis 2 : Assignment 4 3 worked on the puzzle. The second group had quiet confederates. They were in the room, but did not speak to the child. In the last group, children were left alone. All children com- pleted three puzzles in the experiment that varied in difficulty (easy, medium, hard). The experimenters want to know if encouragement can influence performance on timed tasks. Variables (IVs and DV) 1. Other 2. Puzzle Difficulty 3. Time to Completion (in Seconds) For this analysis, you can write own hypotheses for the main effects of both your independent variables and their interaction.: 1. Main Effect for other: 2. Main Effect for Puzzle Difficulty: 3. Interaction Effect: Follow these steps to complete your analysis 1. Define the contrasts you will use to explain any statistically significant main effect or interaction effect (consider the hypotheses listed above). 2. Visualize your data. Your chart should represent your group means across all levels of your independent variables. Use an appropriate chart for the type of data you are representing. 3. Verify that all assumptions for ANOVA are met 4. Conduct the appropriate ANOVA analysis (a) Oneway or Factorial (b) Between, Within, or Mixed 5. Report the overall findings of your ANOVA with a table and write a brief summary of the results of your planned comparisons, explaining whether or not your hypotheses were correct. Use proper APA formating when reporting contrasts in text.
Apr 18, 2021

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