Microsoft Word - Assignment 3.docx 1 ERSC 2P16 Clastic Sedimentology Fall 2021 Assignment 3. ANALYSIS OF PALEOCURRENT DATA Introduction The flow direction of currents that laid down clastic...

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Microsoft Word - Assignment 3.docx 1 ERSC 2P16 Clastic Sedimentology Fall 2021 Assignment 3. ANALYSIS OF PALEOCURRENT DATA Introduction The flow direction of currents that laid down clastic sedimentary deposits can be determined from a variety of fabrics and primary structures that have, or will be, considered in ERSC 2P16. In almost all cases where such directional data are used it is necessary to collect a large number of measurements to derive at least a reliable (if not statistically significant) picture of paleocurrents in ancient depositional environments. Paleocurrents, in turn, may lead to an improved understanding of sediment transport directions, basin geometry, source area location, etc., and, therefore, may make a very important contribution to any sedimentological study. In this exercise you will apply the techniques for dealing with directional data that are outlined in Chapter 2 of the course notes. The exercise will provide an opportunity to calculate the various statistics for paleocurrent data and to construct rose diagrams. Analysis of directional data Table I contains four sets of hypothetical paleocurrent data. Group the data for Sets A, B and C into classes at 30° (e.g., 000-029, 030-059, etc.) intervals and construct a rose diagram for each set of data on the appropriate circular graphs provided on page 4. For data Set D group the data at 10 degree intervals (e.g., 000-009, 010-019, etc). Using the method for Ungrouped Data compute all of the relevant values to describe the data set: the direction (θ) and magnitude (R) of the resultant vector, the magnitude of the resultant vector expressed as a percentage of the total number of observations (L), and the probability that the data are uniformly distributed (p). Record your results in the appropriate table on page 4. Discuss the significance of θ, R, L and p for each data set and discuss the differences between the four samples. Directional data like this may be collected from cross-bedding that is produced by bed forms that migrate in the direction in which water is flowing in a river; the direction of dip of the crossbedding is recorded and that represents the local direction of flow at the time that the currents produced the cross-bedding. If all of the data used in this assignment was based on cross-bed dip direction what do each of the rose diagrams tell us about the nature of the flowing water? Table I. Hypothetical Paleocurrent Data Set A 001 016 011 340 032 022 052 028 Set B 260 029 062 347 281 110 033 322 079 003 310 272 021 098 127 017 045 290 318 058 359 010 333 340 Continued…. 2 Set C 075 229 299 022 152 185 238 358 010 160 222 016 260 047 332 315 148 015 280 171 123 111 092 102 035 245 272 Set D 097 212 065 165 084 183 073 021 087 194 056 198 201 026 207 208 208 047 342 214 015 219 057 006 227 028 052 241 079 259 285 304 031 354 041 001 008 011 218 017 018 105 022 191 232 203 033 032 049 038 358 043 212 046 116 236 054 222 194 061 037 067 184 077 255 084 177 193 358 223 009 3 Set D Set BSet A Set C Your Name: Your Student Number: Your name: Student Number All calculations must be done using the method for UNGROUPED DATA (see the course notes for details). Fill in your calculated values of θ, R, L and p in the tables below and submit them with your written answers. In order for you to check the correctness of your calculations, compare the calculated values to the distribution of data that you see on the rose diagrams. For example, if your value of θ looks to be totally inconsistent with what the rose diagram shows you….something may incorrect. Part A. Based on hypothetical paleocurrent Data Data Set θ R L p Set A Set B Set C Set D On a separate page provide your discussion of the significance of θ, R, L and p for each data set and discuss the differences between the four samples AND your response to the question of what you could infer about the direction of flowing water from the rose diagrams if the data are based on cross-bedding dip directions produced by bed forms that migrated in the direction of the flowing current. Don't forget to include each of the rose diagrams that you constructed for this assignment and include your name and student number on each page submitted. Grades: 1 point for each correct entry in the table above (max. total: 16 points). 1 point for each rose diagram (max. total: 4 points) 2 points each for discussion of the θ, R, L and p (max. total 8 points). 1 point each for discussion of the inferred direction of flowing water for each data set (max. total 4 points). Max. Total Points = 32
Answered 3 days AfterOct 27, 2021

Answer To: Microsoft Word - Assignment 3.docx 1 ERSC 2P16 Clastic Sedimentology Fall 2021 Assignment 3....

Taskin answered on Oct 31 2021
128 Votes
Set A
    C.I    n    Ɵ( degree)    CosƟ    SinƟ    nSinƟ    nCosƟ    ƩnSinƟ    ƩnCosƟ    TanƟ    Ɵv(Vector Mean)    Ɵ-Ɵv    (Ɵ-Ɵv)²    n(Ɵ-Ɵv)²    (ƩnSinƟ)²    (ƩnCosƟ)²    R    Ʃn    L    Ʃn(Ɵ-Ɵv)²    n-1    Ʃn(Ɵ-Ɵv)²/n-1(Varian
ce)    p(probability)
    000-029    5    14.5    -0.3549242668    0.9348950555    4.6744752776    -1.7746213339    4.7845644879    0.4388587063    10.9022890943    84.75927495    -70.25927495    4936.3657164997    24681.8285824985    22.892057339    0.1925969641    4.8046492383    8    60.0581154787    236409.659795996    7    33772.8085422852    0.003030303
    030-059    2    44.5    0.8689582973    0.4948853176    0.9897706351    1.7379165946                84.75927495    -40.25927495    1620.8092194997    3241.6184389994
    060-089    0    74.5    0.6230004213    -0.7822215    0    0                84.75927495    -10.25927495    105.2527224997    0
    090-119    0    104.5    -0.6767608608    -0.7362029186    0    0                84.75927495    19.74072505    389.6962254997    0
    120-149    0    134.5    -0.8317831093    0.5551007648    0    0                84.75927495    49.74072505    2474.1397284997    0
    150-179    0    164.5    0.4201533596    0.9074531142    0    0                84.75927495    79.74072505    6358.5832314997    0
    180-209    0    194.5    0.9614016391    -0.2751488477    0    0                84.75927495    109.74072505    12043.0267344997    0
    210-239    0    224.5    -0.1235581661    -0.9923373316    0    0                84.75927495    139.74072505    19527.4702374997    0
    240-269    0    254.5    -0.9995196916    -0.0309900967    0    0                84.75927495    169.74072505    28811.9137404997    0
    270-299    0    284.5    -0.1847965572    0.9827767969    0    0                84.75927495    199.74072505    39896.3572434997    0
    300-329    0    314.5    0.9425094179    0.3341795883    0    0                84.75927495    229.74072505    52780.8007464997    0
    330-359    1    344.5    0.4755634456    -0.8796814248    -0.8796814248    0.4755634456                84.75927495    259.74072505    67465.2442494997    67465.2442494997
Set B
    C.I    n    Ɵ( degree)    CosƟ    SinƟ    nSinƟ    nCosƟ    ƩnSinƟ    ƩnCosƟ    TanƟ    Ɵv(Vector...

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