Provide the UML class diagram for the program below. import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Scanner; //Define the class Fraction class Fraction { private int n, d; public Fraction() { ...

Provide the UML class diagram for the program below.

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Scanner;

//Define the class Fraction

class Fraction


private int n, d;

public Fraction()


this.n = this.d = 0; //Initialize the values


public Fraction(int n, int d)


this.n = n; //Initialize the variables

this.d = d;


//Define the getter function getNum() that returns the numerator

public int getNum()


//Returns numerator

return n;


//Define the getter function getDen() that returns the denominator

public int getDen()


//Returns denominator

return d;


//Define the boolean function isZero() that returns 0 if numerator is 0 and denominator is not equals to zero

public boolean isZero()


return(getNum() == 0 && getDen() != 0);


//Define the function getSimplifiedFraction() that returns the simplified fraction

public String getSimplifiedFraction()


//Decalre the string variable result to store the result

String result = "";

//if the numerator and denominator both are zero

if(getNum() == 0 && getDen() == 0)

//result is zero

result = "0";

//if the numerator is zero and denominator is non-zero

else if(isZero())

//result is zero

result = "0";

//if the numerator is non-zero and denominator is zero

else if(getNum() != 0 && getDen() == 0)

//result is Undefined

result = "Undefined";

//for a defined and non-zero fraction



//if the remainder is zero

if(getNum() % getDen() == 0)

result = (getNum() / getDen()) + "";

//if the numerator and denominator both are greater than zero

else if(getNum() <>

result = (getNum() * -1) + "/" + (getDen() * -1);

//if any of them is zero

else if(getNum() <>


//if the numerator is greater than zero


result = "-" + (getNum() * -1) + "/" + getDen(); // appending a sign.

//if the denominator is zero


result = "-" + getNum() + "/" + (getDen() * -1); // appending a sign.


//both are non-zero


result = (getNum() + "/" + getDen());


//return the result

return result;


//Define the method display() that displays the resultant fraction

public void display()


//Call and display the fraction




//Define the class TestFraction

class Main


//Define the main method

public static void main(String[] args)


//Declare the variables to store the numerator and denominator

String res;

int num, den;

//Declare an ArrayList to store the results

ArrayList fractions = new ArrayList();

//Create the object for scanner class

Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

//use the do-while loop to iterate test the conditions



//Prompts the user to enter the numerator

System.out.print("Enter the num: ");

//Store the Integer part only

num = Integer.parseInt(sc.nextLine().trim());

//If the numerator is less than zero


//Break from loop


//Prompts the user to enter the denominator

System.out.print("Enter the den: ");

//store the integer part only

den = Integer.parseInt(sc.nextLine().trim());

//Create the object of Fraction class

Fraction fraction = new Fraction(num, den);

//Add the resultant fractions into the ArrayList


res = fraction.getSimplifiedFraction();

System.out.println("\tFraction added to list as: " + res + "\n"); //Display the resultant fraction

}while(res != "0");

//Display all fractions that are stored in the ArrayList

System.out.println("\nDISPLAYING ALL FRACTIONS:\n"

+ "-------------------------");

//Use the loop to display the values stored in the ArrayList

for(Fraction fr : fractions)


//to print the new line




May 18, 2022

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