PROMPT:Job Design and Job Descriptions provide a foundation for an effective Human Resource program in areas such as talent recruitment [Chapter 5], talent selection [Chapter 6], talent development...

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Job Design and Job Descriptions provide a foundation for an effective Human Resource program in areas such as talent recruitment [Chapter 5], talent selection [Chapter 6], talent development [Chapter 7], and improving employee performance [Chapter 8].The essential functions outlined in the Job Description reduce the risk of illegally discriminating based on disability [ADA, Chapter 3].

Employee motivation is an important aspect of designing today’s jobs. The Job Characteristics model, which is covered in this week’s chapter, has five components—skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback. Provide an example of how each component can be used to improve an organization and an employee’s job. (Suggestion: consider your present or a recent job or a job with which you are very familiar to answer this question.) Start by identifying the job—give the title and a brief job description, especially if the job is one with which others might not be familiar or which has unique feature(s).

Hint: On a scale of 1 to 5, rate each of the five core job characteristics, with 1 being the least motivating and 5 the highest. Use your ratings to come up with action items that could be implemented to improve any characteristic that you scored less than 5.

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Answered Same DayFeb 02, 2023

Answer To: PROMPT:Job Design and Job Descriptions provide a foundation for an effective Human Resource program...

Parul answered on Feb 02 2023
36 Votes
Normal.dotm A4 US English
Provide an example of how each component can be used to improve an organi
zation and an employee’s job
Let's consider the job of a Customer Service Representative
Job Title: Customer Service Representative Job Description: A Customer Service Representative is responsible for handling customer inquiries, and complaints, and providing support via phone, email, or chat. They are the first point of contact for customers and play a critical role in maintaining customer satisfaction.
Skill variety - 3: The job requires a moderate level of skill variety as the representative handles’ various customer inquiries and complaints, but it may get repetitive over time.
Action Item: Provide training and development opportunities to enhance the representative's skills, such as...

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