Project Life CycleBSBPMG428 Apply project life cycle management processesBSBOPS405 Organise business meetings

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Project Life Cycle

BSBPMG428 Apply project life cycle management processes

BSBOPS405 Organise business meetings

Assessment Task National Unit Details Unit Code/s BSBPMG428 Unit Title/s Apply project life cycle management processes BSBOPS405 Organise business meetings Assessment Cover Sheet Students must include the following information and declaration of original authorship with their submission. student name: email: mobile: qualification: BSB40920 Certificate IV in Project Management Practice cluster/unit name: Project Life Cycle BSBPMG428 Apply project life cycle management processes BSBOPS405 Organise business meetings Student Declaration · I understand that competency will not be given if I do not meet the assessment evidence and activity requirements. · I declare that this is my own work in accordance with Swinburne Plagiarism policy, as found on: · I declare all documents submitted for assessment are my own work. Where I have used other sources, acknowledgements have been made. Student signature: Date: 1. Assessment Information Qualification BSB40920 Certificate IV in Project Management Practice Type Task 1: Knowledge Questions Task 2: Application Tasks Due Date General Information Decision Making Rules All assessment criteria within the task must be satisfactorily completed for the task to be assessed as satisfactorily completed. Reasonable adjustment Reasonable adjustment for assessment tasks for a unit may be requested by the student for consideration by the facilitator for the methods by which evidence is collected. However, the evidence criteria for making competent/not yet competent decisions must be the same irrespective of the group and/or individual being assessed. Reasonable adjustment usually involves varying: · the processes for conducting the assessment (eg: allowing additional time, varying the venue) · the evidence gathering techniques (eg: oral rather than written questioning, use of a scribe, modifications to equipment) Special Consideration Students can apply for special consideration if personal circumstances or illness have adversely affected their result in an assessment, or their ability to undertake an assessment. If they wish to seek special consideration, a special consideration form must be completed no later than 3 days after the due date of the assessment and submitted via e-mail to [email protected] Application BSBPMG428 Apply project life cycle management processes This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to assist in implementing project life cycle management processes. It applies to individuals who are project practitioners working in a project support role. BSBOPS405 Organise business meetings This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to organise meetings including making arrangements, liaising with participants, and developing and distributing meeting related documentation. It applies to those employed in a range of work environments who are required to organise a variety of business meetings. They may provide administrative support within an enterprise or have responsibility for these tasks in the context of a particular team, workgroup or project. Assessment support Your Assessor for this program is contactable via email for any questions, queries or concerns you may have through the assessment process. Included within the cost of each workshop is a group assessor guidance session. This session is recommended, you will be notified via canvas at least 1 week prior to the session on the details. This session is designed to help clarify any questions you may have on your assessment and provide any handy tips from your assessor.  It is not designed for you to send in drafts for review or to get extensive feedback on work you have completed thus far.  Task 1: Knowledge Questions For this task, you are required to provide more than one-line answers (50 to 100 words per sub task, a, b, and so on) for the following 27 knowledge questions. Whilst it is not mandatory, it is good practice to provide a brief example to demonstrate your understanding of each question – these examples should be based on your own experience and observations. Acknowledge any source of information you have used (websites, books etc.) by referencing the original source. Task Task title Knowledge Questions 1.1 Project establishment a. Describe two examples of project initiation documentation. b. Describe the linkage between a project with which you are familiar and the goals of the organisation. c. Describe the contents of a typical Project Charter including project objectives, outcomes and benefits and with whom these would be negotiated. d. Describe the components of a typical project governance structure in your organisation. e. Describe the project life cycle stages or phases that apply to projects in your organisation. f. Describe at least 5 typical components of a project Scope Statement. g. For a project that you have recently been involved in, describe the roles of 3 or 4 of the project team members. 1.2 Project planning and design a. Describe the top-down process for determining level 2 deliverables in a work breakdown structure. b. Describe a set of deliverables for a project with which you are familiar, including how their success would be measured. c. Thinking about one of the deliverables you have described in Question 1.2b describe a milestone that would be about halfway to achieving that deliverable. Roughly how far through the project would that milestone occur? d. Describe the management plans that would be likely to be included in a typical Project Management Plan in your field of work and your role in compiling these. e. Describe the meaning of the following: · Scope baseline · Schedule baseline, and · Cost baseline f. Describe how the Project Management Plan, including baselines, would be approved. 1.3 Project control and execution a. Describe the records of project progress that would be updated from time to time and how often these records would be updated. b. Describe the typical contents of a Project Status Report, including project issues. c. Describe the process used to evaluate the impact of proposed project changes (variations) including the impact on the scope baseline. d. Describe two typical project logs or registers that would be maintained throughout the project, and how these might assist an audit of the project. e. Describe the plans and baselines that might need to be updated as a result of an approved change (variation). 1.4 Project finalisation a. Describe some typical project finalisation activities, including those that might be associated with financial, legal or contractual obligations. b. Describe some typical project products, and the associated documentation, that would be handed over to the client at project completion. c. Describe the contents of a typical Project Completion Report including Lessons Learned. 1.5 Meeting preparation a. Define the following terminology and describe your Company procedures and protocols for each: · Meeting agenda formats · Meeting apologies · Business arising from Minutes · Minute taking and minute formats b. For each of the listed meeting types, outline a suitable structure you could follow to ensure the meeting is effective. · Informal team meeting · Monthly department meeting · Formal Board meeting · A teleconference with external stakeholders · Web conferencing c. Describe two appropriate techniques for effective cross-cultural communication d. Look up any relevant corporate guidelines or legislation that may govern the management of your meeting and list any key provisions that may be applicable in regards: · Meeting quorums · Required notice periods · Meeting resolutions and storage of minutes 1.6 Meeting outcomes a. Describe how you would: · Take notes during a meeting which accurately reflect what was discussed · Produce minutes based on those notes which would provide an accurate account of the meeting · Circulate copies of those meeting minutes within a defined timeframe · Check any documentation related to the meeting for accuracy and to correct any errors before distribution. b. For each of the following processes, describe a benefit of carrying out the process correctly at the completion of a meeting: · Checking of meeting notes/minutes to ensure accuracy of information, format and style · Prompt distribution of Minutes and other follow up information as required · Storing of Minutes in accordance with Company record keeping procedures · Reporting of meeting outcome summaries to the relevant stakeholders Task 2: Application Tasks For this task, you are required to provide 12 completed documents for each of two projects of moderate complexity that you have either managed or worked on. The documents supplied for each task need to relate to the same projects, and you should provide an overview of these projects at the start of this task. These documents may be something you create (retrofit) specifically for this assessment task, or they may already be available in a project that you are currently working on or have completed in the last 12 months. The document that you submit must have been completed, or substantially contributed to, by you. For each of the documents submitted, please disclose your role in its completion – for example were you the author or the joint author? It is recommended to use Task titles as your headings and file names in the report document to consistently cover all required aspects of the unit of competency. For your convenience, should you not have access to a suitable template, links have been provided to templates that you may find useful. Task Task title Task requirements 2.1 Project Charter Provide a completed project authorisation document such as a Project Charter or an equivalent project initiation document, for each of your two projects – you do not need to have been the sole author. If you don’t have access to such a document, you may wish to utilise the template at the following link 2.2 Milestone Chart Provide a completed Milestone Chart for each of your two projects. As a guide your chart should be a table containing at least the following columns – Milestone Name, Responsible Person or Party, Date Planned to be Achieved, How Measured. Please detail at least 5 milestones. 2.3 Cost Baseline (Project Budget) Provide a completed project budget for each of your two projects – you do not need to have been the sole author. Please ensure that your budget shows the major categories of cost as well as the total cost . 2.4 Project Status Report Provide a completed Project Status Report for each of your two projects. The reports need to show the status of both schedule and cost performance for each project and include any identified project issues. If you don’t have access to such a document, you may wish to utilise the template at the following link 2.5 Scope Change Request (Scope Variation) Provide a completed project variation document such as a Scope Change Request or its equivalent for each of your two projects. Please ensure you include a discussion of the impact of the proposed change on the project schedule and cost. If you don’t have access to such a document, you may wish to utilise the template at the following link - axzz53GXjIsZM 2.6 Project Status Report Provide a completed Project Status Report for each of your two projects. The reports need to show the status of both schedule and cost performance for each project after the implementation of the scope change described in Question 2.5 2.7 Updated Budget and Schedule Provide an updated budget and schedule, for each of your two projects, showing the impact of the scope change described in Question 2.5 2.8 Client Documentation Provide a copy of any documentation that would accompany project products and be handed to the client at project completion for each of your two projects. 2.9 Lessons Learned Provide a completed Lessons Learned Log containing at least 3 lessons learned and their recommendations, for each of your two projects. If you don’t have access to such a document, you may wish to utilise the template at the following link 2.10 Meeting Checklist Provide a completed Meeting Checklist for each of two different meeting environments that you have been involved in. Your Meeting Checklist should at least contain the following: · Date, time and location · Purpose of meeting · Software/technology requirements · Legal requirements · Ethical considerations · Organisational requirements · Meeting participants · Special participant requirements · Agenda format and notice period · Special papers to accompany agenda · Meeting venue requirements and their availability · Meeting minutes approver · Minutes circulation deadline · Location for storage/archival of minutes 2.11 Meeting Agenda Provide a completed Meeting Agenda for each of the meetings described in Question 2.10 together with evidence that each agenda was distributed with the required period of notice - an email or screenshot will suffice. 2.12 Meeting Notes and Evidence re Minutes a) Provide a copy of the notes taken in each of the meetings described in Question 2.11 Ensure the notes highlight key decisions taken plus actions to be implemented, by whom and by when. b) Provide evidence of approval of the meeting minutes for both meetings – an email or screenshot will suffice. c) Provide evidence of timely distribution of the minutes from both meetings - an email or screenshot will suffice. Submission and Result information Submission Details When submitting your work, please ensure you have signed the Declaration on the first page. Your responses may be typed directly into this document, with any additional documentation provided as attachments please title each attachment (i.e. Attachment A, B etc) and, reference these in the main document with an explanation of their relevance. All assessment tasks should be submitted via Canvas, our online learning management system. Please note: · Assessment due dates are to be 4 weeks from the final day of the learning workshop. · Feedback will be provided by your assessor within 3 weeks following the due date
Answered 1 days AfterSep 14, 2024

Answer To: Project Life CycleBSBPMG428 Apply project life cycle management processesBSBOPS405 Organise business...

Shubham answered on Sep 16 2024
6 Votes
Task 1: Knowledge Questions
1.1 Project Initiation and Management
a. Describe two examples of project initiation documentation:
1. Project Charter: The document outlines objectives, stakeholders, scope and budget of project. It is considered as formal authorization for project and set direction for the execution.
2. Statement of Work: The SOW provides detailed desc
ription of deliverables, timeline and work requirements of project. It specifies needs to be accomplished along with expected outcomes and schedule for deliverables.
b. Describe the linkage between a project with which you are familiar and the goals of the organization:
In recent project to implement new customer relationship management system, the linkage to organizational goals was clear. The CRM system aims to enhance customer satisfaction and streamline sales processes (Reiff & Schlegel, 2022). The project aligned with objective of company of improving customer engagement and increasing revenue by providing efficient tool for managing customer interactions and data.
c. Describe the contents of a typical Project Charter:
· Objectives: Clear and measurable goals the project aims to achieve.
· Scope: Defines the boundaries and deliverables of project.
· Stakeholders: Key individuals and groups affected by the project.
· Risks: Potential issues that could impact project success.
· Milestones: Major deliverables or checkpoints.
· Expected Outcomes: The anticipated results and benefits of project.
d. Describe the components of a typical project governance structure:
· Project Sponsor: Provides high-level support and resources.
· Steering Committee: Offers strategic guidance and oversight.
· Project Manager: Manages day-to-day operations and execution.
· Project Team: Executes project tasks and deliverables.
· Project Management Office: This ensures following of project management standards and practices.
e. Describe the project life cycle stages that apply to projects in organization:
· Initiation: Defining the project and securing authorization.
· Planning: Developing detailed plans and schedules.
· Execution: Implementing project plans and managing resources.
· Monitoring & Control: Tracking progress and making adjustments.
· Closure: Finalizing all activities and formally closing the project.
f. Describe 5 typical components of a project Scope Statement:
1. Project Objectives: Specific goals the project aims to achieve.
2. Deliverables: Tangible outcomes and outputs of project.
3. Boundaries: What is included and excluded from project.
4. Constraints: Limitations and restrictions affecting the project.
5. Acceptance Criteria: Conditions under which deliverables are accepted.
g. Roles of 3 or 4 team members:
· Project Manager: Look after progress of project along with management of team and ensured milestones were met.
· Technical Lead: Provided technical expertise for making decisions on software architecture and supervise development tasks.
· Quality Assurance Specialist: Conducted testing for ensuring that software met quality standards and identified bugs.
· Business Analyst: Includes requirements from stakeholders and provide functional specifications for development team.
1.2 Project Planning and Design
a. Describe the top-down process for determining level 2 deliverables in WBS:
The top-down process for determining level 2 deliverables in Work Breakdown Structure starts with decomposing major deliverables of project in smaller and manageable components (Tereso et al. 2019). It includes identifying key sub-tasks and phases that align with objectives of project and breaking in detailed activities or tasks.
b. Describe a set of deliverables for a...

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