Gaining Proficiency Instructions Grader - InstructionsExcel 2019 Project Excel_4F_Vehicles Project Description: In the following Skills Review, you will assist Caryn Black, the Vehicle Fleet Manager,...

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Project Description:

In the following Skills Review, you will assist Caryn Black, the Vehicle Fleet Manager, to create a Data Model, PivotTable, and PivotChart using PowerPivot.

Steps to Perform:

Gaining Proficiency Instructions Grader - InstructionsExcel 2019 Project Excel_4F_Vehicles Project Description: In the following Skills Review, you will assist Caryn Black, the Vehicle Fleet Manager, to create a Data Model, PivotTable, and PivotChart using PowerPivot. Steps to Perform: Step Instructions Points Possible 1 Open the Excel workbook Student_Excel_4F_Vehicles.xlsx downloaded with this project. 0 2 On the Data tab, click Get Data, and then from your downloaded files, import the Microsoft Access Database e04F_Vehicle_Parts.accdb. Load both of the tables in the database. (Mac users, on the Data tab, click Get External Data, and then click From Text. From your downloaded files, click Excel _4F_Vehicle_Parts_csv.csv, and then click Get Data. Use Comma delimiters and General column data format. Put the data in the Existing sheet in A1.) 10 3 Insert a PivotTable in the Existing worksheet and verify that Use this workbook’s Data Model is selected. In the Location box, verify that Sheet1!$A$1 displays, and then click OK. (Mac users, insert a PivotTable in a New worksheet. Select and delete rows 1 and 2, which are blank.) 10 4 In the PivotTable Fields pane, add the Supplier field to the Columns area, the Item field to the Rows area, and the Year Ordered field to the Rows area below Item. Add the Quantity field to the Values area. 10 5 Change the Number Format to Number, change the Decimal places to 0, and then select the Use 1000 Separator (,) check box. Rename the sheet Vehicle Supplies. 5 6 Insert a 3-D Pie PivotChart and then move the chart to a New sheet and name the new sheet Vehicle Supplies Chart. 10 7 Display the Field List and then modify the chart so that only the Supplier field displays in the Axis (Categories) area. Remove any fields that display in the Legend (Series) area. Apply Style 3 to the chart. 10 8 Remove the Legend and add the Category Name and Percentage Data Labels. Format the Data Labels by changing the Font Size to 13. 11 9 Change the chart title to Vehicle Supply Purchases and then change the font size to 24. Insert a footer with the file name in the left section of the footer. 15 10 Display the Vehicle Supplies sheet. In cell A1 type Supplier and in B1 type Total Quantity. Insert a footer in the left section that includes the file name, and then center the worksheet Horizontally on the page. 14 11 Display the file Properties. As the Tags, type vehicle supplies and as the Subject, type your course name and section number. Under Related People, be sure that your name displays as Author. 5 12 Save and close the file, and then submit for grading. 0 Total Points 100 Created On: 09/18/20201GO19_XL_CH04_GRADER_4F_HW - Vehicles 1.1 Sheet1 Gaining Proficiency Instructions Grader - InstructionsExcel 2019 Project Excel_4G_Aquatics Project Description: In the following project, you will assist Lindsay Johnson, the Director of Pools and Recreation, in creating and modifying a PivotTable report and a PivotChart report to analyze revenue and expenses from the Aquatics Program. Steps to Perform: Step Instructions Points Possible 1 Open the Excel workbook Student_Excel_4G_Aquatics.xlsx downloaded with this project. 0 2 Click cell A2, and then insert a Recommended PivotTable by choosing the Blank PivotTable option in the lower left corner of the dialog box. Add the Month field to the Filters area, add the Pool field to the Rows area and the Item field to the Columns area. Place the Amount field in the Values area and then Close the PivotTable Fields list. (Mac users, move fields as necessary so that they are placed in the correct areas of the layout section.) On the PivotTable Analyze tab, in the PivotTable group, change the PivotTable name to PivotTable2, if necessary. 10 3 Format the values in the PivotTable using the Number category to display zero decimal places and the 1000 Separator. 5 4 Insert slicers for the Pool and Item fields, and then filter by the Tropics Pool and Spa Fees. Move the Pool slicer so that its upper left corner aligns with the upper left corner of E3. Move the Item slicer so that its upper left corner aligns with G3. Make a copy of this worksheet, and then name the copied worksheet Tropics Pool. 16 5 Display the sheet that contains the PivotTable, clear the filters from the slicers, and remove the slicers from the worksheet. Rename the sheet 2Q Revenue 5 6 Insert a PivotChart using the Stacked Column chart type. (Mac users, click the Design tab, click Change Chart Type, point to Column, and then click Stacked Column.) Move the chart to a new worksheet named 2Q Revenue Chart 5 7 Apply the Layout 3 chart layout. Add centered data labels, and then hide all of the field buttons on the chart, if necessary. As the Chart Title, type 2nd Quarter Aquatics Program Revenue and then insert a custom footer with the file name in the left section. 8 8 Add a new worksheet to the workbook. On the Data tab, click Get Data and then from your downloaded files, import the Microsoft Access Database Excel_4G_Pool_Supplies.accdb. Load both of the tables in the database. (Mac users, on the Data tab, click From Text. From your downloaded files, click Excel_4G_Pool_Supplies_csv.csv, and then click Get Data. Use Comma delimiters and General column data format. Put the data in the Existing sheet in A1.) 2 9 Insert a PivotTable in the Existing Worksheet and verify that Use this workbook’s Data Model is selected. (Mac users, insert a PivotTable, in a New worksheet. Select and delete rows 1 and 2 which are blank.) On the PivotTable Analyze tab, in the PivotTable group, change the PivotTable name to PivotTable3, if necessary. 3 10 To create the PivotTable, place the Supplier field from the Suppliers table in the Columns area. From the Supply Order Summary table, place the Item field in the Rows area, and the Quantity field in the Values area. Apply the Number format to the values in the PivotTable with zero decimals and the 1000 separator. (Mac users, there are no tables in the Fields pane. Locate the fields in the PivotTable Fields list that displays.) 7 11 Insert a row above the PivotTable, and in cell A1, type Aquatics Program Purchases and then apply the Title cell style. Rename the sheet Aquatics Purchases. 4 12 Click in the PivotTable, and then insert a 3-D Pie PivotChart. Move the chart to a new sheet with the name Aquatic Supplies Chart 9 13 Display the Field List and then modify the chart so that only the Supplier field displays in the Axis (Categories) area. Remove any fields that display in the Legend (Series) area. 2 14 Apply Style 3, remove the legend from the chart, and display only the Category Name and Percentage data labels positioned in the Center. Format the data labels by changing the font size to 11. 6 15 Change the chart title to Aquatic Supply Purchases and then change the font size to 24. Hide all of the field buttons on the chart if necessary, and then insert a footer with the file name in the left section. 10 16 Hide the Aquatics Revenue sheet. Select all sheets (excluding the chart sheets) and insert a footer in the left section that includes the file name, and then center the worksheet Horizontally on the page. Change the Orientation to Landscape and scale the Width to fit to 1 page. 6 17 Display the properties. As the Tags type aquatic revenue, supplies and as the Subject, type your course name and section #. Under Related People, be sure that your name displays as Author. Save your workbook. 2 18 Save and close the file, and then submit for grading. 0 Total Points 100 Created On: 09/18/20201GO19_XL_CH04_GRADER_4G_HW - Aquatics 1.2 Aquatics Revenue Revenue from Aquatics Program MonthPoolItemAmount AprilBlue Haven PoolSwim Lessons3,805 AprilWhite Sands PoolSwim Lessons3,007 AprilTropics PoolSwim Lessons3,326 AprilLogan Aquatic CenterSwim Lessons2,864 AprilFlamingo Beach PoolSwim Lessons2,894 AprilCoral Reef PoolSwim Lessons4,181 AprilBlue Haven PoolDive Lessons910 AprilWhite Sands PoolDive Lessons899 AprilTropics PoolDive Lessons679 AprilLogan Aquatic CenterDive Lessons910 AprilFlamingo Beach PoolDive Lessons882 AprilCoral Reef PoolDive Lessons1,111 AprilBlue Haven PoolWater Polo450 AprilWhite Sands PoolWater Polo487 AprilTropics PoolWater Polo356 AprilLogan Aquatic CenterWater Polo383 AprilFlamingo Beach PoolWater Polo380 AprilCoral Reef PoolWater Polo493 AprilBlue Haven PoolWater Aerobics799 AprilWhite Sands PoolWater Aerobics945 AprilTropics PoolWater Aerobics707 AprilLogan Aquatic CenterWater Aerobics811 AprilFlamingo Beach PoolWater Aerobics810 AprilCoral Reef PoolWater Aerobics667 AprilBlue Haven PoolConcessions2,009 AprilWhite Sands PoolConcessions1,801 AprilTropics PoolConcessions1,799 AprilLogan Aquatic CenterConcessions2,204 AprilFlamingo Beach PoolConcessions2,100 AprilCoral Reef PoolConcessions2,230 AprilBlue Haven PoolSpa Fees2,250 AprilWhite Sands PoolSpa Fees2,349 AprilTropics PoolSpa Fees2,196 AprilLogan Aquatic CenterSpa Fees1,907 AprilFlamingo Beach PoolSpa Fees2,264 AprilCoral Reef PoolSpa Fees2,102 MayBlue Haven PoolSwim Lessons2,894 MayWhite Sands PoolSwim Lessons2,381 MayTropics PoolSwim Lessons1,993 MayLogan Aquatic CenterSwim Lessons2,746 MayFlamingo Beach PoolSwim Lessons3,377 MayCoral Reef PoolSwim Lessons2,862 MayBlue Haven PoolDive Lessons910 MayWhite Sands PoolDive Lessons912 MayTropics PoolDive Lessons788 MayLogan Aquatic CenterDive Lessons966 MayFlamingo Beach PoolDive Lessons882 MayCoral Reef PoolDive Lessons1,111 MayBlue Haven PoolWater Polo380 MayWhite Sands PoolWater Polo493 MayTropics PoolWater Polo545 MayLogan Aquatic CenterWater Polo386 MayFlamingo Beach PoolWater Polo503 MayCoral Reef PoolWater Polo428 MayBlue Haven PoolWater Aerobics1,117 MayWhite Sands PoolWater Aerobics1,072 MayTropics PoolWater Aerobics1,058 MayLogan Aquatic CenterWater Aerobics869 MayFlamingo Beach PoolWater Aerobics855 MayCoral Reef PoolWater Aerobics847 MayBlue Haven PoolConcessions2,025 MayWhite Sands PoolConcessions1,801 MayTropics PoolConcessions1,799 MayLogan Aquatic CenterConcessions2,204 MayFlamingo Beach PoolConcessions2,292 MayCoral Reef PoolConcessions2,230 MayBlue Haven PoolSpa Fees2,249 MayWhite Sands PoolSpa Fees2,349 MayTropics PoolSpa Fees2,120 MayLogan Aquatic CenterSpa Fees1,907 MayFlamingo Beach PoolSpa Fees2,264 MayCoral Reef PoolSpa Fees2,200 JuneBlue Haven PoolSwim Lessons2,739 JuneWhite Sands PoolSwim Lessons2,242 JuneTropics PoolSwim Lessons2,416 JuneLogan Aquatic CenterSwim Lessons2,822 JuneFlamingo Beach PoolSwim Lessons2,876 JuneCoral Reef PoolSwim Lessons2,567 JuneBlue Haven PoolDive Lessons979 JuneWhite Sands PoolDive Lessons902 JuneTropics PoolDive Lessons746 JuneLogan Aquatic CenterDive Lessons937 JuneFlamingo Beach PoolDive Lessons791 JuneCoral Reef PoolDive Lessons721 JuneBlue Haven PoolWater Polo440 JuneWhite Sands PoolWater Polo493 JuneTropics PoolWater Polo410 JuneLogan Aquatic CenterWater Polo386 JuneFlamingo Beach PoolWater Polo503 JuneCoral Reef PoolWater Polo428 JuneBlue Haven PoolWater Aerobics888 JuneWhite Sands PoolWater Aerobics855 JuneTropics PoolWater Aerobics794 JuneLogan Aquatic CenterWater Aerobics732 JuneFlamingo Beach PoolWater Aerobics676 JuneCoral Reef PoolWater Aerobics702 JuneBlue Haven PoolConcessions2,212 JuneWhite Sands PoolConcessions1,900 JuneTropics PoolConcessions1,799 JuneLogan Aquatic CenterConcessions2,204 JuneFlamingo Beach PoolConcessions2,292 JuneCoral Reef PoolConcessions2,010 JuneBlue Haven PoolSpa Fees2,200 JuneWhite Sands PoolSpa Fees2,287 JuneTropics PoolSpa Fees2,120 JuneLogan Aquatic CenterSpa Fees1,907 JuneFlamingo Beach PoolSpa Fees2,264 JuneCoral Reef PoolSpa Fees2,626
Answered 3 days AfterSep 26, 2022

Answer To: Gaining Proficiency Instructions Grader - InstructionsExcel 2019 Project Excel_4F_Vehicles Project...

Simran answered on Sep 29 2022
64 Votes
    Month    (All)
    Sum of Amount    Column Labels
    Row Labels    Concessions    Dive Lessons    Spa Fees    Swim Lessons    Water Aerobics    Water Polo    Grand Total
    Blue Haven Pool    6246.00    2799.00    6699.00    9438.00    2804.
00    1270.00    29256.00
    Coral Reef Pool    6470.00    2943.00    6928.00    9610.00    2216.00    1349.00    29516.00
    Flamingo Beach Pool    6684.00    2555.00    6792.00    9147.00    2341.00    1386.00    28905.00
    Logan Aquatic Center    6612.00    2813.00    5721.00    8432.00    2412.00    1155.00    27145.00
    Tropics Pool    5397.00    2213.00    6436.00    7735.00    2559.00    1311.00    25651.00
    White Sands Pool    5502.00    2713.00    6985.00    7630.00    2872.00    1473.00    27175.00
    Grand Total    36911.00    16036.00    39561.00    51992.00    15204.00    7944.00    167648.00
Tropic Pool
    Month    (All)
    Sum of Amount    Column Labels
    Row Labels    Spa Fees    Grand Total
    Tropics Pool    6436.00    6436.00
    Grand Total    6436.00    6436.00
2Q Revenue
    Month    (All)
    Sum of Amount    Column Labels
    Row Labels    Concessions    Dive Lessons    Spa Fees    Swim Lessons    Water Aerobics    Water Polo    Grand Total
    Blue Haven Pool    6246.00    2799.00    6699.00    9438.00    2804.00    1270.00    29256.00
    Coral Reef Pool    6470.00    2943.00    6928.00    9610.00    2216.00    1349.00    29516.00
    Flamingo Beach Pool    6684.00    2555.00    6792.00    9147.00    2341.00    1386.00    28905.00
    Logan Aquatic Center    6612.00    2813.00    5721.00    8432.00    2412.00    1155.00    27145.00
    Tropics Pool    5397.00    2213.00    6436.00    7735.00    2559.00    1311.00    25651.00
    White Sands Pool    5502.00    2713.00    6985.00    7630.00    2872.00    1473.00    27175.00
    Grand Total    36911.00    16036.00    39561.00    51992.00    15204.00    7944.00    167648.00
2Q Revenue Chart
2nd Quarter Aquatics Program Revenue
Concessions    Blue Haven Pool    Coral Reef Pool    Flamingo Beach Pool    Logan Aquatic Center    Tropics Pool    White Sands Pool    6246    6470    6684    6612    5397    5502    Dive Lessons    Blue Haven Pool    Coral Reef Pool    Flamingo Beach Pool    Logan Aquatic Center    Tropics Pool    White Sands Pool    2799    2943    2555    2813    2213    2713    Spa Fees    Blue Haven Pool    Coral Reef Pool    Flamingo Beach Pool    Logan Aquatic Center    Tropics Pool    White Sands Pool    6699    6928    6792    5721    6436    6985    Swim Lessons    Blue Haven Pool    Coral Reef Pool    Flamingo Beach Pool    Logan Aquatic...

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