(Programming in visual studio)The Tiny company has two types of employees: fulltime and parttime. Both types have an employee ID and employee name.Fulltime employees have a salary and parttime...

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(Programming in visual studio)
The Tiny company has two types of employees: fulltime and parttime. Both types have an employee ID and employee name.Fulltime employees have a salary and parttime employees have an hourly wage and hrs worked. A full time employee gets paid weekly by dividing the salary by 52 while a part time employee gets paid by the product of an hourly wage and hours worked
Specifically you will create an Employee class with the common elements (employee ID, employee name, ToString() method (). Then create a Fulltime employee class with a salary field and the GetWeeklyPaid() method. Similarly, create a Parttime employee class with hourly wage and hours worked fields and the GetWeelyPaid() method. Add appropriate properties, constructors, and ToString() methods. Each class should be in its own cs file.

Finally, demonstrate the classes in the Main() method of the program class with data made up for two fulltime employees and two parttime in a List of Employee. Display the employee's payment data in a foreach loop.
Answered Same DayNov 30, 2022

Answer To: (Programming in visual studio)The Tiny company has two types of employees: fulltime and parttime....

Aditi answered on Dec 01 2022
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