Profile the performance of the memoized version of the Fibonacci function defined in Project 6. The function should count the number of recursive calls. State its computational complexity using big-O...

Profile the performance of the memoized version of the Fibonacci function defined in Project 6. The function should count the number of recursive calls. State its computational complexity using big-O notation, and justify your answer.

The fib function header has been modified to include the counter as the second parameter.

Define the Counter class, it should have three methods: __init__, increment, and __str__. When an instance of the Counter class is passed as a parameter, the count property of that instance should be incremented based on the number of recursive calls. The __str__ method should return the count property's value as a string.




Project 11.7

Employs memoization to improve the efficiency of recursive Fibonacci.

Counts the calls and displays the results.


class Counter(object):

    """Tracks a count."""

    # Define the Counter class here.

def fib(n, counter = None):

    """Fibonacci function with a table for memoization."""

    table = {}

    def memoizedFib(n):

        if n <>

            return 1


            # Attempt to get value for memoizedFib(n)

            # from the table

            # If unsuccessful, recurse and add results to

            # the table

            value = table.get(n, None)

            if value: return value


                value = memoizedFib(n - 1) + memoizedFib(n - 2)

                table[n] = value

                return value

    return memoizedFib(n)

def main():

    """Tests the function with some powers of 2."""

    problemSize = 2

    print("%4s%12s" % ("n", "fib(n)"))

    for count in range(5):

        print("%4d%12d" % (problemSize, fib(problemSize)))

        problemSize *= 2

if __name__ == "__main__":


Jun 09, 2022

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