Problem Statementon starbuck
The process of developing your Problem Statement has been (and will continue to be) an iterative process. By practicing the art of self-reflection, your doctoral studies will ultimately benefit you as you continue to revise and reflect on your work throughoutthe DBA program.
In your
Foundations for Doctoral Study
course (DDBA 8005), you identified an initial question for possible future research. You also engaged in an interview with an established expert, focusing on content related to this question. In this course, you will refer back to your initial question and take steps to turn your question into a Problem Statement—as one of the first major steps toward completing your program-level project, the Doctoral Study. Note that your Problem Statement will continue to evolve as you move through your doctoral studies.
Thinking back to your initial question, and consulting any notes and previous work that you retained, reformulate your initial question as a Problem Statement. If your focus or interests have changed since you developed your initial question, you may use this opportunity to begin anew. Think about a topic for potential research that fits within your own interests as well as the mission and focus of this program, and address the questions below:
• Define the context for the problem. Is it a structural problem? A process issue? A phenomenon? A behavior?
• How does the problem manifest itself in a business setting with which you are familiar or in the larger organization, industry, or even global setting?
• What evidence can you identify that shows that such a problem exists?
• What are the strategic and/or innovative aspects of the problem?
• How might you research the problem?
• How might you identify potential solutions or approaches to the problem?
Your draft Problem Statement should be comprised of approximately 2 substantive paragraphs in which you include the elements listed above. Your draft should also align with and meet the most current
Doctoral Study Rubric