PROBLEM DESCRIPTION The Tax Processing program needs to be modernized. A GUI (Graphical User Interface) is now required. Radio buttons and text boxes are needed for input and output purposes. A button...

PROBLEM DESCRIPTION<br>The Tax Processing program needs to be modernized. A GUI (Graphical User Interface) is now<br>required. Radio buttons and text boxes are needed for input and output purposes. A button will be<br>used for processing data.<br>You are required to create a webpage to implement the interface required using the JavaScript<br>programming language. The illustration below displays the format of the GUI screen yequired.<br>Tax Processing<br>Earnings: S<br>Pensioner:<br>Yes O No<br>Investments in Renewable Energy: S<br>Donations to Charities: S<br>Process<br>Tax Amount Owed: $<br>Note: Choose a background color and a text color of your preference.<br>

Extracted text: PROBLEM DESCRIPTION The Tax Processing program needs to be modernized. A GUI (Graphical User Interface) is now required. Radio buttons and text boxes are needed for input and output purposes. A button will be used for processing data. You are required to create a webpage to implement the interface required using the JavaScript programming language. The illustration below displays the format of the GUI screen yequired. Tax Processing Earnings: S Pensioner: Yes O No Investments in Renewable Energy: S Donations to Charities: S Process Tax Amount Owed: $ Note: Choose a background color and a text color of your preference.

Jun 10, 2022

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