Problem 4 (9 marks, 1.5 pages). A database of n records, each of which has size m bits(we assume that m is large) is maintained at two different servers X and Y. As sometimesa record may get updated...

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Algorithms & Analysis

Problem 4 (9 marks, 1.5 pages). A database of n records, each of which has size m bits (we assume that m is large) is maintained at two different servers X and Y. As sometimes a record may get updated at one server and not at the other, the servers X and Y have to sync their (possibly different) databases x = (x1,...,x,) and y = (y1,...,,) from time to time to make sure they are the same. At the synchronization time, the two servers exchange some data in one or several rounds of communications. A trivial synchronisation algorithm is as follows: X sends x via the internet to Y, which verifies every record of x against that of its database y; foreach 1
Answered 4 days AfterOct 08, 2022

Answer To: Problem 4 (9 marks, 1.5 pages). A database of n records, each of which has size m bits(we assume...

Banasree answered on Oct 13 2022
56 Votes
4. Ans.
The database management system or DBMS is important because it is the system which keeps computerized data. It enables user to perform many sorts of operations like database manipulation or manageme
nt of the data structure etc. DBMS or the data base management system are known or identified by their data structure.
Different type of databases is used on mainframes like the inverted list, hierarchic, relational or network.
b) Basically, mainframe sites intend to apply a hierarchical model especially when the data structure of the data are needed for an app is more static. Let’s take an example of the data base for the bill of items. It has a predefined assembly part number for the component and various level or grade of that component with the subcomponents data. The data base structure generally has only the item’s forecast and the price related data etc. Point of view is that the data structure of this system could rarely change and the fresh data structure are rarely involved except the data values. This system generally initiates with the equipment assembly part number and the detail specification of the components.
This type of hierarchical and network database management system has typical and identical benefits. Whereas the rational data base management system or RDDBS has an extra substantial benefit over the standard database management system is the non-navigational. The fundamental meaning of the navigational is in the hierarchical database. The app programmer must have the idea of the structural configuration of the database. The said programme must have the logic to direct or to route towards the main root of desired branch or the child segment which consists of the selected attributes or the elements. The programme should have the access the intervening part even if they are not required.
We know that the data base is logical categorized data which consists of a group of table spaces and the index spaces. Basically, the said data base has all the data which is involved with one single app or with a set of related app. We can have a payroll...

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