Problem 1
Let's dig deeper into the properties of the Fama-French factors. Here, you can directly use the factors we constructed during the lab session (save them into a CSV le and re-load here).
(a) For the period of1/1963-12/2021, compute the average return of SMB for each calendar month and then make a bar plot. Do you see any "seasonality" in the return of SMB? Is there any seasonality in volatility? What are the implications for investors? For example, would you recommend investors to adjust their exposure to SMB based on the calendar?
(b) Repeat the analysis for HML. What are your ndings? Any implications for investors?
(c) Repeat the analysis for the market factor (MKT). What are your ndings? Any implications for investors?
Problem 2
Change the construction of SMB/HML and see if performance of the factors is affected.
Instead of two size groups, create three size groups using the 30th and 70th NYSE breakpoints (S, M, and B). For B/M, now create only two groups based on the NYSE median (L and H), instead of three groups. Reconstruct the SMB and HML factors and compare their performance with that of the original version during the period of1/1963-12/1991(as in Fama and French 1993). Is there any difference? Why do you think Fama and French choose a 2-by-3 sort rather than a 3-by- 2 sort?
Note: To save time, you can directly use the B/M variable constructed during the lab session (save it into a CSV le and re-load here). Also, no need to repeat the construction of the original
FF factors. Just use those from the lab session.