Problem 1. Budgeted vs. Actual Expenses Write program that asks the user to enter the amount that he or she has budgeted for a month. Using a while loop, the user should be prompted to enter each of...

Write a program in python for problem 1.Problem 1. Budgeted vs. Actual Expenses<br>Write program that asks the user to enter the amount that he or she has budgeted for a month.<br>Using a while loop, the user should be prompted to enter each of his or her expenses for the<br>month and keep a running total. When the loop finishes, the program should display the amount<br>that the user is over or under budget.<br>Design. Use an IPO diagram to design your program. See IPO diagram attached to this assignment.<br>Code. Write your program in Python using the above steps.<br>Output. Your program should produce correctly labeled output with dollar amounts rounded to 2<br>decimal places and dollar signs. Sample dialog:<br>Enter amount budgeted for the month: 500<br>Enter an amount spent (0 to quit): 50<br>Enter an amount spent (0 to quit): 75<br>Enter an amount spent (0 to quit): 800<br>Enter an<br>amount spent (0 to quit): 23.95<br>Enter an amount spent (0 to quit): 0<br>Budgeted: $ 500.00<br>I<br>Spent: $ 948.95<br>You are $ 448.95 over budget. PLAN BETTER NEXT TIME!<br>Programming Style Requirements.<br>Comments - Begin your program with a comment that includes: a) your name, b)program status –<br>either

Extracted text: Problem 1. Budgeted vs. Actual Expenses Write program that asks the user to enter the amount that he or she has budgeted for a month. Using a while loop, the user should be prompted to enter each of his or her expenses for the month and keep a running total. When the loop finishes, the program should display the amount that the user is over or under budget. Design. Use an IPO diagram to design your program. See IPO diagram attached to this assignment. Code. Write your program in Python using the above steps. Output. Your program should produce correctly labeled output with dollar amounts rounded to 2 decimal places and dollar signs. Sample dialog: Enter amount budgeted for the month: 500 Enter an amount spent (0 to quit): 50 Enter an amount spent (0 to quit): 75 Enter an amount spent (0 to quit): 800 Enter an amount spent (0 to quit): 23.95 Enter an amount spent (0 to quit): 0 Budgeted: $ 500.00 I Spent: $ 948.95 You are $ 448.95 over budget. PLAN BETTER NEXT TIME! Programming Style Requirements. Comments - Begin your program with a comment that includes: a) your name, b)program status – either "Complete" or describe any incomplete or non-functioning part of your program c)A 1-3 line description of what the program does. Variable names- use meaningful variable names such astotal taxes or num cookies. Named constants - Use named constants for all number values that will not be changed in the program such as RECIPE SUGAR = 1.5. See section 2.9 on Named Constants
Jun 11, 2022

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