Extracted text: Problem 1 A beam shown in the figure below is pre-tensioned using 32 mm dia. stranded tendons placed variably throughout the length (Harped) with fpu = 1,770 MPa, fpy = 0.85fpu, and the concrete capacity is fe 50 MPa, fei= 0.70f. Design the h of the section using an I-beam with Br= 1300 mm, hr= 250 mm, Bw= 250 mm, and carrying a load of wLL = 35 kN/m, wD= 29 kN/m (assumed), wsD= 48 kN/m. The actual location of the tendons' centroid at midspan and support are 150 mm and 530 mm from the bottom fiber respectively. The Prestressed losses = 17.5%. a. Determine the minimum required section modulus (in x10° mm') considering the midspan location. b. Determine the minimum required section modulus (in x10° mm') considering the support location. c. Determine the total height (mm) of the I-beam (Roundup, increment of 10 mm, ex. 1510.00, 1520.00, 1530.00 mm) d. Consider Pi – 11,800 kN, determine the stress (MPa) at extreme bottom fiber under the final stage of the midspan (use the updated weight of the section). Consider Pi = 11,800 kN, determine the stress (MPa) at extreme top fiber under the initial stage of the support. е. 40 m Bf hf h e bw