Prions serve as long term lock up facilities for adults, and occasionally juveniles who commit crime. There are approximately 2.3 million offenders in prison throughout the United States. Crime and...

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  • Prions serve as long term lock up facilities for adults, and occasionally juveniles who commit crime. There are approximately 2.3 million offenders in prison throughout the United States. Crime and drug use are dependent on each other. The question always arises: which comes first, the crime or the drug use? More than half of those arrested and sent to prison are addicted to drugs or alcohol and have a substance abuse problem. In fact, the number is as high as 68% (3). The addiction doesn't go away while an offender is in prison and many continue to use. However, there are treatment programs in prison. Research indicates that inmates who participate in drug treatment programs have less of a recidivism and relapse rate upon release and based on self reported data, first illegal activity. (1) Studies show that the first 60 days following release are when a subject is most likely to relapse (2).However, not as many recent studies about the subject have been conducted concluding that more research is still needed.
    The RSAT program was created by the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 (4). Inmate substance abuse programs typically last 6-9 months and include a therapeutic and work based program, but for some addictions, 12 months is the minimum. There are several models that are used and another paper could be written about which treatment model is most successful. California follows California uses evidence based programs, meaning the program was shown to have worked in the past. The recidivism rate of inmates who receive treatment versus those who receive no treatment is lower. Drug use increases the likelihood of criminal activity. In fact, 68% of drug users are re-arrested within 3 years. (2) Drug sellers can also benefit from the use of residential substance abuse treatment programs. By eliminating the active drug use, chances of being re-arrested are signifigantly lowered.
    Treatment before and after release are crucial to an inmate's recovery. For some users, relapsing can be deadly.(3) Addiction is a disease and requires more than a few days worth of treatment. Inmates need the support they get both while in prison and upon release to reduce their chances of returning to drugs or alcohol. Both stressors and environmental problems can contribute to relapse as well. "Relapse rates for addiction resemble those of other chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and asthma." (3) Just like these other illnesses, drug addiction requires constant treatment to prevent relapse. It can also be argued, that just like other diseases, drug addiction doesn't just go away.
    Again since drug uses increases criminal activity the likelihood of an inmate committing crimes due to their drug use is extremely high. The stronger ties an inmate has to a treatment program, the less chance of relapsing they have. If they don't relapse, they are less likely to return to criminal activity. Inmates who are re-arrested after being released from prison self reported how long it was until they committed their first crime. (3) Obviously the sooner a relapse happened, the sooner the criminal activity started.
    By researching the topic, it became apparent that studies on prion based drug treatment were rare. Are they rare because the programs scarcely exist? If we know that most criminals are drug addicts and that treatment lowers drug use and in turn criminal behavior, why aren't their more programs available to inmates?

    (1) An Assessment of Prison-Based Drug Treatment

    Texas' In-Prison Therapeutic Community Program

    Kevin Knight PhD,Simpson D. Dwayne PhD,Lois R. Chatham PhD&L. Mabel Camacho PhD

    Search results | Taylor & Francis Online

    Pages 75-100 | Published online: 08 Oct 2008

    (2)Multiple Measures of Outcome in Assessing a Prison-Based Drug Treatment Program

    Michael L. Prendergast PhD,Elizabeth A. Hall PhD&Harry K. Wexler PhD

    (3)Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide (Third Edition)

    Search results | Taylor & Francis Online

    4.Drugs & Substance Abuse

    Drugs & Substance Abuse

    At OJP, all of the grant-making components are in some way involved in weakening the link between substance abus...

    5. of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide (Third Edition)
    (3) Publications Revised January 2018 Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide (Third Edition)Pages 65-94 | Published online: 17 Oct 2008

Answered 1 days AfterMay 04, 2021

Answer To: Prions serve as long term lock up facilities for adults, and occasionally juveniles who commit...

Sayani answered on May 05 2021
158 Votes
Running Head: DRUG REHABS IN PRISON                        1
DRUG REHABS IN PRISON                                 3
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Synopsis of the Program    3
Empirical Studies    6
Article 1:    6
Article 2:    7
Article 3:    7
Conclusion    8
References    9
The mental health illness among the prison
ers is found mainly due to substance abuse, which arises out of over consumptions of drugs and alcohols, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, panic disorder, paranoia, personality disorder, attention disability and psychological and nervous disorders. Therefore, in this regard, the prison serves the important role in providing the long-term lock up facilities for all type of offenders who commit crimes (Prendergast, Hall & Wexler, 2003). Since drug usage increases criminal activities, several treatment programs are initiated in order to reduce the crime rate. This paper will study how prison-based drug treatment programs help the inmates to recover their mental as well physical illness thereby reducing the crime.
Synopsis of the Program
Before proceeding with the synopsis of the policies or the program related to prison-based drug addiction treatment for the inmates or the offenders, let us highlight some of the health outcomes of these prisoners after the consumption of drugs or alcohol. Over consumption of drugs, tobacco abuse and nutritional and immune deficiencies can lead to the oral health diseases such as dental caries, gum infections, glossitis, bacterial infections, oral thrush and tongue carcinoma.
As stated by Wildeman and Wang (2017), the physical health illness includes the chronic back pain, arthritis, glaucoma, osteoporosis, several infectious allergies, emphysema, liver disease, high blood pressure, heart disease, thyroid, stomach and intestine problems, cancer, tuberculosis, hepatitis, HIV/AIDS and many more. As per certain evidences most of the mental health disorder arises from the economic or financial crisis, revengeful attitude, frustration, addictive behaviors and as a result commit crime.
Therefore, in order to save these prisoners from committing crimes several policies and programs has been demonstrated, which substantially curb the recidivism. As mentioned by Kerrison (2017), the eight principles such as the need to enrich the motivation, matching with the offender’s trait and interventions, use of risk assessment, target intervention, cognitive behavioral therapy, targeting intervention, strengthening pre-social effect and attachment to the program principal can reduce the recidivism of offenders. As stated by Knight, Dwayne, Chatham and Camacho (1997), the Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug abuse funded the Institute of Behavioral Research in Texan Christian University in order to conduct a comprehensive prison-based treatment assessment, which includes the study of Imprison Therapeutic Communities.
The therapeutic communities can help an offender from drug addiction and can motivate them to choose the right path in their life. In 1979, National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) arranged a comprehensive survey of Drug Abuse Rehabilitation Programs (Drug Rehab Programs) in several prisons in United States (Office of Justice Programs, 2021). The survey recognized around 160 prisons treatment program serving around 10,000 offenders (Office of Justice Programs, 2021). In 1981, among these 49 programs were based...

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