Principles of Treatment in Aesthetic Medicine Scientific referencing (Vancouver system) is expected where relevant. Questions in this assignment integrate and test knowledge from a number of...

Principles of Treatment in Aesthetic Medicine Scientific referencing (Vancouver system) is expected where relevant. Questions in this assignment integrate and test knowledge from a number of e-learning modules. It is recommended that you have completed all e-learning prior to submitting this assignment. Principles (a) With reference to the following conditions, describe what you might need to consent your patient for when considering aesthetic intervention: - Diabetes - Autoimmune disease - Immunocompromised patients (200 words) [8 marks] Principles (b) Describe the stages of an aesthetic consultation. Include within your answer: History Examination Consent (written and verbal) Record keeping Cooling off period (250 words) [8 marks] Principles (c) How would a competent practitioner manage the following events in practice: Vasovagal episode (include causes, signs/symptoms and treatment) Needle-stick injury A patient who is needle-phobic and wants topical local anaesthetic before treatment (150 words) [6 marks] Principles (d) Describe and explain how the bone, muscle and fat of the face changes with progressive ageing (200 words) [8 marks] Principles (e) Describe how physical features affect our perception of beauty in Western culture. Include in your answer age, facial shape, brows, skin folds and facial contours (250 words) [5 marks] Principles (f) As with other medical treatments, continuity of care post-treatment is critical. Explain what comprises of continuity of care. Include in your answer what lifestyle changes you would advise to your patient (200 words) [6 marks] Principles (g) Explain the requirements for a premises in order to safely carry out aesthetic treatments. (150 words) How might routine audit of clinical outcomes improve your professional practice? (150 words) [8 marks] Principles (h) A patient comes to see you in clinic who requests treatment with both Botulinum Toxin and Dermal Fillers. Explain how combination treatments may be beneficial to achieve facial rejuvenation, and the importance of physical examination of the patient prior to treatment (200 words) [8 marks]

Oct 07, 2019

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