Primary Health Care and Specialist Referrals : One of the key patient/client care clinical management systems in any health system is the referral of patients from primary care practitioners (e.g....

Primary Health Care and Specialist Referrals  : One of the key patient/client care clinical management systems in any health system is the referral of patients from primary care practitioners (e.g. general practitioners) to specialist practitioners and services (e.g. consultant specialists) in public hospitals.  There are many strengths and shortcomings in this model of care.  As populations’ growth; as specialised and sub-specialised services emerge; as clinical subsidiarity changes; as the need and demand for 2nd opinions occur, it is useful to look at what alternatives or modifications of this primary and tertiary referral system might undergo into the future.

The Director General for Health has asked you for a brief on changes, developments and alternatives to this system of referral and management of specialist opinion, services and management.  In your brief you should consider developed and developing alterative models of referral across the world and what program of reform you would recommend in the context of cost, quality, workforce and system integration issues.

Executive Summary/Synopsis, Introduction & Background
•    Introduction
•    Background
•    Literature Review.( with main body and conclusion)
•    Research Questions
•    Scope
•    Objectives
•    Methods,methodology, limitation
•    Analysis, discussion, and conclusion
•    Presentation and structure of final report/article.
•    references

Oct 07, 2019

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