Pretend that we do not have the built-in type String available to us. Create an ADT for Strings by declaring an appropriate class String that manipulates Characters. Objects of class String should be...

Pretend that we do not have the built-in type String available to us. Create an ADT for Strings by declaring an appropriate class String that manipulates Characters. Objects of class String should be read via method Read_String () and printed via methods Print_String (). To read them, you may prompt the user to enter text and signify the end by hitting the Enter key. Blank spaces may be legitimate elements of a String. Blank spaces are not delimiters that separate one String from another; the Enter key serves that role. You may assume that a press of the Enter key can be detected by an algorithm

via the built-in constant EOL (for end-of-line), for example, "if(this_char

= EOL) then ... ".

May 19, 2022

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