Presume that you are working as a consumer behaviour consultant at the company that makes/produces your chosen product or service from the first assessment. During one of the recent meetings, the company has asked you to analyse a recent survey sample that was completed by consumers who recently purchased their product or service.
MBA404_T2_2021_Assessment_02_v01_Consumer_Behaviour_and_Marketing_Psychology Assessment Information COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA Copyright Regulations 1969 This material has been reproduced and communicated to you by or on behalf of Kaplan Business School pursuant to Part VB of the Copyright Act 1968 (‘Act’). The material in this communication may be subject to copyright under the Act. Any further reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act. Kaplan Business School is a part of Kaplan Inc., a leading global provider of educational services. Kaplan Business School Pty Ltd ABN 86 098 181 947 is a registered higher education provider CRICOS Provider Code 02426B. Assessment 2 Information Subject Code: MBA404 Subject Name: Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Psychology Assessment Title: Sample Survey Assessment Type: Length: Individual case study analysis 4 pages (no more) Weighting: 35% Total Marks: Submission: 100 Online Due Date: Week 9 Your task Individually, you are required to prepare a four-page written analysis based on the assessment instructions below. Assessment Description. In this individual assessment, students will be given an opportunity to demonstrate their understanding and ability to explain consumer behaviour determinants by analysing the role perception, attitude, motivation, group and individual differences, culture, and family in consumer behaviour. Students will also demonstrate their ability to research and report on contemporary consumer behaviour such as attitudes, group influences, culture, social class, consumer learning processes, organisational and personal buying decision making. Assessment Instructions Presume that you are working as a consumer behaviour consultant at the company that makes/produces your chosen product or service from the first assessment. During one of the recent meetings, the company has asked you to analyse a recent survey sample that was completed by consumers who recently purchased their product or service. Your workshop facilitator will distribute the survey sample to you at the end of the week 5 class. Based on the survey sample, you are required to prepare: • a one-page summary of survey sample results (i.e., a shorter yet concise version of the survey sample results presented in writing). • a two-page analysis of the sample survey’s key findings (i.e., what does gathered data from this sample survey mean? How does this survey inquire into consumers’ perception, attitudes, motivation, cultural and individual factors? Which consumer behaviour theories and concepts may have been used in each of the questions to inquire into consumers’ perception, attitudes, motivation, cultural and individual factors and why?). • a one-page statement in which you are to outline current consumer behaviour trends that should be considered by the company and justify why these trends are of particular concern from a marketing perspective. An examination of relevant primary and secondary data must reinforce the written analysis findings. You must also incorporate theories and concepts related to consumer behaviour discussed in weeks 3 to 7 into your analysis. Assessment Information COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA Copyright Regulations 1969 This material has been reproduced and communicated to you by or on behalf of Kaplan Business School pursuant to Part VB of the Copyright Act 1968 (‘Act’). The material in this communication may be subject to copyright under the Act. Any further reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act. Kaplan Business School is a part of Kaplan Inc., a leading global provider of educational services. Kaplan Business School Pty Ltd ABN 86 098 181 947 is a registered higher education provider CRICOS Provider Code 02426B. You are required to use at least 8 sources of information and reference these in accordance with the Kaplan Harvard Referencing Style. These may include websites, social media sites, industry reports, census data, journal articles, and newspaper articles. These references should be presented as in-text citations and a reference list at the end of your written analysis (not included in the page limit). Wikipedia and other ‘popular’ sites are not to be used. Assessment Submission This file must be submitted as a ‘Word’ document to avoid any technical issues that may occur from incorrect file format upload. Uploaded files with a virus will not be considered as a legitimate submission. MyKBS will notify you if there is an issue with the submitted file. In this case, you must contact your workshop facilitator via email and provide a brief description of the problem and a screenshot of the MyKBS error message. You are also encouraged to submit your work well before the deadline to avoid any possible delay involving the Turnitin similarity report or any other technical difficulties. Late assignment submission penalties Penalties will be imposed on late assignment submissions in accordance with Kaplan Business School “late assignment submission penalties” Policy. Number of days Penalty 1* - 9 days 5% per day for each calendar day late deducted from the total marks available 10 - 14 days 50% deducted from the total marks available. After 14 days Assignments that are submitted more than 14 calendar days after the due date will not be accepted, and the student will receive a mark of zero for the assignment(s). Note Notwithstanding the above penalty rules, assignments will also be given a mark of zero if they are submitted after assignments have been returned to students *Assignments submitted at any stage within the first 24 hours after the deadline will be considered to be one day late and therefore subject to the associated penalty For more information, please read the full policy by clicking here. Assessment Information COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA Copyright Regulations 1969 This material has been reproduced and communicated to you by or on behalf of Kaplan Business School pursuant to Part VB of the Copyright Act 1968 (‘Act’). The material in this communication may be subject to copyright under the Act. Any further reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act. Kaplan Business School is a part of Kaplan Inc., a leading global provider of educational services. Kaplan Business School Pty Ltd ABN 86 098 181 947 is a registered higher education provider CRICOS Provider Code 02426B. Important Study Information Academic Integrity Policy KBS values academic integrity. All students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy. What is academic integrity and misconduct? What are the penalties for academic misconduct? What are the late penalties? How can I appeal my grade? Click here for answers to these questions: Page Limits for Written Assessments Submissions that exceed the page limit will cease to be marked from the point at which that limit is exceeded. Study Assistance Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Learning Advisor or refer to the resources on the MyKBS Academic Success Centre page. Click here for this information. COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA Copyright Regulations 1969 This material has been reproduced and communicated to you by or on behalf of Kaplan Business School pursuant to Part VB of the Copyright Act 1968 (‘Act’). The material in this communication may be subject to copyright under the Act. Any further reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act. Kaplan Business School is a part of Kaplan Inc., a leading global provider of educational services. Kaplan Business School Pty Ltd ABN 86 098 181 947 is a registered higher education provider CRICOS Provider Code 02426B. MBA404 Assessment 2 Marking Rubric – Sample Survey 35% Marking Criteria (__/100) F (Fail) 0 – 49% P (Pass) 50 – 64% C (Credit) 65 – 74% D (Distinction) 75 – 84% HD (High Distinction) 85 – 100% Summary __/20 marks You have provided an unclear and/or incoherent summary of survey sample results that lacked logic. You have provided a generic summary of survey sample results with limited logic. You have provided a structured summary of survey sample results, although further logic is needed. You have provided a logical and structured summary of survey sample results. You have provided a logical and well-structured summary of survey sample results. Key findings __/25 marks You have provided a limited or no analysis of the sample survey’s key findings by demonstrating inadequate or no understanding of how this survey inquiries into consumers’ perception, attitudes, motivation, cultural and individual factors. You have analysed some of the sample survey’s key findings by demonstrating an emerging understanding of how this survey inquiries into consumers’ perception, attitudes, motivation, cultural and individual factors. You have analysed most of the sample survey’s key findings by demonstrating an adequate understanding of how this survey inquiries into consumers’ perception, attitudes, motivation, cultural and individual factors. You have analysed most of the sample survey’s key findings by demonstrating sufficient understanding of how this survey inquiries into consumers’ perception, attitudes, motivation, cultural and individual factors. You have critically analysed all key findings from the sample survey by demonstrating how this survey inquiries into consumers’ perception, attitudes, motivation, cultural, and individual factors. Statement __/15 marks You have provided an incoherent statement that outlines superficial consumer behaviour and inadequate or no justification of why these trends are of particular concern from a marketing perspective. You have provided a generic statement that outlines not necessarily current consumer behaviour trends that the company should consider and an adequate justification of why these trends are of particular concern from a marketing perspective. You have provided a mostly detailed statement that outlines current consumer behaviour trends that the company should consider and an adequate justification of why these trends are of particular concern from a marketing perspective. You have provided a detailed