Prepared by: Krishna Paudel Moderated by: Min Gurung August 2022 Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines School SITE Course Name Bachelor of Networking (BNet) Unit Code BN205 Unit Title Project...

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Prepared by: Krishna Paudel Moderated by: Min Gurung August 2022 Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines School SITE Course Name Bachelor of Networking (BNet) Unit Code BN205 Unit Title Project Management Assessment Author Krishna Paudel Assessment Type Group Assessment Assessment Title Assignment 2 Unit Learning Outcomes covered in this Assessment After completion of this Assignment students are expected to be able demonstrate their achievements towards the following unit learning outcomes: a) Apply project management skills as a strategic tool, framework, or methodology for business development. b) Demonstrate project leadership skills; identify and assess risk in design and executing a major project. c) Reflect on current project management ethics, research, theory and practice d)explain projects effectively through planning, leadership, monitoring, teamwork, global awareness Weight 25% of the total assessments Total Marks 100 Word/ Page limit N/A Release Date Week1 Due Date Week 11 (11:55 PM on Thursday 29th September 2022) Submission Guidelines  All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a completed assignment cover page (identifying student name and ID, teaching staff and assignment).  The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (body) font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings.  Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using IEEE referencing style Extension  If an extension of time to submit work is required, a special Consideration Application must be submitted directly to the School’s Administration Officer, in Melbourne on Level 6 or in Sydney on Level 7. You must submit this application three working days prior to the due date of the assignment. Further information is available at: procedures-andguidelines/specialconsiderationdeferment Prepared by: Krishna Paudel Moderated by: Min Gurung August 2022 Academic Misconduct  Academic Misconduct is a serious offence. Depending on the seriousness of the case, penalties can vary from a written warning or zero marks to exclusion from the course or rescinding the degree. Students should make themselves familiar with the full policy and procedure available at: mit/institutepublications/policies-procedures-and- guidelines/Plagiarism-Academic-MisconductPolicy-Procedure. For further information, please refer to the Academic Integrity Section in your Unit Description. Assignment Description Task Name: Business Case Purpose: This assignment provides students with practical experience in working in teams to develop a project business case to solve a unique and complex IT business problem. Assessment Details: A business case is the first deliverable in the IT project life cycle. IT provides an analysis of the organization value, feasibility, costs, benefits, and risk of several proposed alternatives or options. A business case helps to determine whether or not a project justifies an organizations investment into a project. The business case defines the problem and its impact and performs a cost benefit analysis for the proposed solution. It also looks at possible alternative solutions. The business case should also provide a check to see that the project aligns with the organization’s strategic plan. For help and guidance on preparing a business case, see: Requirements: In this assignment, you will be required to form teams of 3-4 students. On team member is to be elected the project manager for the duration of the project. Teams will prepare a project business case based on an IT project case study (attached or provided with this assignment) and should be creative and use their own initiative regarding assumptions and the scheduling all deliverables. The business case should contain details of the following:  Introduction, description of project background  Outline of problem / opportunity statement and project objective  Current situation and analysis of options and recommendations  Details of critical assumption and constraints  Preliminary project requirements (preliminary scope planning) and deliverables  Cost estimate of required resources (hardware, software, and personnel)  Work breakdown structure (shown in MS project Gantt Chart)  Risk and communication Plan The report should be professionally presented with cover page, table of contents, references. Each member’s individual contribution towards the business should be presented in the appendix. Prepared by: Krishna Paudel Moderated by: Min Gurung August 2022 Marking Criteria The marking points are mapped with the questions. Full marks are awarded for the correct answer with analysis, description, examples and when the answer responds clearly to the question asked. Description Marks Introduction, background, and objectives 10 Current situation and analysis of options and recommendations 10 Project requirements and scope planning and deliverables 20 Work breakdown structure (Gantt Chart) 15 Cost estimate and benefit analysis 15 Risk and Communication Plan, 15 Critical assumption, and constraints 10 Presentation and references 5 Total 100 Introduction, description of project background In the development of the project, project management skills are required for development of valuable information that can help in developing the project. The development of a project requires communication skills that can help in communicating effectively for ensuring alignment and eliminating the confusion. Decision making can help in providing direction into the team by informed decisions about challenges and next steps. It should include necessary resources, support and connections that can help in getting out of the way for getting the best performance for the team. Project management skills are required for ensuring that the project is balanced and roles are defined properly. The project is about Kiama Cafe and expansion of cafes as the business opportunity is increasing. The owner of the cafe is experiencing changes in visitor and customer demography for grasping the market opportunity. As the cafe is at the prime location of the city, the plan of the cafe is to extend the business for new services like family functions, conferences and dining services that can be supported by IT systems. The IT service consultation named Ours IT Services is helping Kiama cafe to expand using IT resources that can help the cafe in connecting with customers online. Outline of problem/opportunity statement and project objective Kiama Cafe has a well settled business but with the growth of technology the demographics of customers are changing. Businesses are moving online to reach more customers. It is required for connecting with customers and getting customers to the business. IT solution is required for Kiama Cafe for building the approach that involves development of superior understanding of the potential custom and crafting a unique brand. This includes the approach that can help in building an online business and it is effective for differentiating other competitors in the market. It can be considered as an opportunity for identifying customers and understanding demographics for reaching the right customers [2]. Market opportunity is important to understand and the IT solution for Kiama Cafe can help in expanding the business. The opportunity type involves uncovering products that can be capitalized. The overall objective of the project is to employ 10-20 full time staff for assisting. Mr David is planning to develop a new venue named Kiama Events and Cafe that is nostalgic to history. The overall time frame of three month is given for completing the project. In the project, Mr. David wants to develop a dining hall, conference hall and two to three family function rooms. Mr. David needs IT resources that can help in making online booking, sound and projector systems for family function. This will also include a system that can help in keeping inventory and staff records in the computer system. The system can help in improving staff collaboration and coordination by including better communication technologies that allows corporations to organize the team in a better way. The IT infrastructure enables the business to drop the legacy system for using better storage options. The reliable storage option can help the business in keeping the data safe and organized. Current situation and analysis of options and recommendations Kiama Cafe is currently working on an offline model that is not capable of handling large numbers of customers. With the growth of technology, the demand of customers is changing and Kiama Cafe is planning for an online model and better IT infrastructure for managing a larger number of customers. The implementation of IT solutions can be highly beneficial for the business as it can help in providing quick growth and it is considered as a cost-saving option that needs to be consolidated. This solution can help in the development of a solution that allows a converged and single connection [1]. This connection results in development of cost saving infrastructure for ensuring efficiency and productivity benefits. As the business is expanding, the data can be stored using IT solutions and it can get a centralized ability of application within the data centers. This can help increase the performance of staff and provides flexibility to work. The use of a centralized system for saving the data provides a virtual platform that will endure the business. Details of critical assumption and constraints The major critical assumption to be made is development of customer base. It is believed that customers will be keen to use the new service and it will help in generating sufficient sales to make profit for the long run. The business plan should exhibit more figures like potential customers. Another critical assumption includes selection of key talent for delivering good services. As it is expanding, it is important to have professionals with good IT knowledge for maintaining the system and keeping it organized and safe [5]. The assumption should be validated with sales projection, market research and financial planning that can help in determining profitability. Development of a good pricing strategy can help in creating high sales volume by selling the service at the right price that can help in capitalizing on profit margins. Business strategy assumption for the project can be undertaken with specific business goals and selection of goals can be the main focus. Resource level assumption plays an important role in the project and it includes a large portion of the project management that is based on allocation of resources. This comprises timeline, dependencies on task and entire goal and scope of the project. All resources have equal importance and sufficient resources should be allocated that can help in decreasing risks in the project [4]. Technology based assumptions are made for outlining technologies that are available for meeting project goals
Answered 1 days AfterSep 22, 2022

Answer To: Prepared by: Krishna Paudel Moderated by: Min Gurung August 2022 Assessment Details and Submission...

Shubham answered on Sep 24 2022
63 Votes
Introduction, description of project background
In the development of the project, project management skills are required for development of valuable information that can help in developing the project. The development of a project requires communication skills that can help in communicating effectively for ensuring alignment and eliminating the confusion. Decision making can hel
p in providing direction into the team by informed decisions about challenges and next steps. It should include necessary resources, support and connections that can help in getting out of the way for getting the best performance for the team. Project management skills are required for ensuring that the project is balanced and roles are defined properly.
The project is about Kiama Cafe and expansion of cafes as the business opportunity is increasing. The owner of the cafe is experiencing changes in visitor and customer demography for grasping the market opportunity. As the cafe is at the prime location of the city, the plan of the cafe is to extend the business for new services like family functions, conferences and dining services that can be supported by IT systems. The IT service consultation named Ours IT Services is helping Kiama cafe to expand using IT resources that can help the cafe in connecting with customers online.
Outline of problem/opportunity statement and project objective
Kiama Cafe has a well settled business but with the growth of technology the demographics of customers are changing. Businesses are moving online to reach more customers. It is required for connecting with customers and getting customers to the business. IT solution is required for Kiama Cafe for building the approach that involves development of superior understanding of the potential custom and crafting a unique brand. This includes the approach that can help in building an online business and it is effective for differentiating other competitors in the market. It can be considered as an opportunity for identifying customers and understanding demographics for reaching the right customers [2]. Market opportunity is important to understand and the IT solution for Kiama Cafe can help in expanding the business. The opportunity type involves uncovering products that can be capitalized.
The overall objective of the project is to employ 10-20 full time staff for assisting. Mr David is planning to develop a new venue named Kiama Events and Cafe that is nostalgic to history. The overall time frame of three month is given for completing the project. In the project, Mr. David wants to develop a dining hall, conference hall and two to three family function rooms. Mr. David needs IT resources that can help in making online booking, sound and projector systems for family function. This will also include a system that can help in keeping inventory and staff records in the computer system. The system can help in improving staff collaboration and coordination by including better communication technologies that allows corporations to organize the team in a better way. The IT infrastructure enables the business to drop the legacy system for using better storage options. The reliable storage option can help the business in keeping the data safe and organized.
Current situation and analysis of options and recommendations
Kiama Cafe is currently working on an offline model that is not capable of handling large numbers of customers. With the growth of technology, the demand of customers is changing and Kiama Cafe is planning for an online model and better IT infrastructure for managing a larger number of customers. The implementation of IT solutions can be highly beneficial for the business as it can help in providing quick growth and it is considered as a cost-saving option that needs to be consolidated. This...

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