Prepare and present a 5 minute (approx) demonstration speech where you will demonstrate a processor instruct the audience on how to perform a particular task which is of interest to you.
A demonstrative speech is a type of Informative Speech. One in which you provide information to you audience in a learning format. The speech should answer the question: "How do I do X?" Some examples: how to mend a washing machine, how to create a chalkboard style painting, how to grow a vegetable garden, how to maintain apool.
Research your topic and collect information from (at least)three credible sources.These must be named in your speech.
Organize your speech in a chronological order providing a background of what you are demonstrating, what happens during the process giving step-by-step instructions, and offer any personal tips or useful information to reinforce your knowledge and add interest.
Include only key points which are relevant to the process such as individuals involved, specific props, location, time, etc.
Use a visual aidto assist (not take over!) your presentation. Keep in mind that youmay not edityour video so you cannot embed aPowerPointor anything similar. The best type of visual aids are items that are part of the process you are demonstrating.
Do NOT rely on notes. Feel free to use cards to keep you on track, but do NOT read from cards and do NOT use full sheets of paper.