Prepare a report analysing the ethical issues raised in a case study, with recommendations for professional behaviour in both organisational and/or consultancy settings. In the report, describe the relevant case, identify the most pressing ethical issue(s), the stakeholders, possible breaches in standards or behaviour and the consequences. Discuss what you think is the most appropriate action(s). You must apply the process steps suggested in the text or notes (Lecture 1) to identify the necessary information for the report.
Subject Outline Marketing Principles Sem 1 2011 V1 School of ENGINEERING, CONSTRUCTION AND DESIGN BIT241 Professional IT Practice and Ethics Assignment 2 Part 1 Presentation Weight: 5% Due Week 10: Start of class During week 10 you will be required to give a brief 5-8 minute presentation to the class explaining the conclusions of your report. You are expected to be an active member of the audience for other student’s presentations. LATE PRESENTATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED WITHOUT OFFICIAL SPECIAL CONSIDERATION (medical or family emergency). You may use any appropriate presentation technology to support your presentation, but it is up to you to organise anything that is not part of the usual classroom facilities. Some points to note about your presentation: You should assume that while the audience is not familiar with the particular case study, they have some knowledge of the fundamentals of Information Technology and Management Information Systems. Delivery o Do not read out a prepared speech. o Do not use slides unless they are needed (tables, graphs, pictures). o Either use cards (with few words) that are small enough to sit in your hand (business card size is good) or make a sheet with big print headings (and nothing else) and lay it on the table where you can glance at it occasionally. o Do not block the projector. Preparation o Structure your presentation. There is much to be gained from organising what you will say. Make sure you have a suitable introduction and conclusion. o Prepare your speaker's notes in the form of brief headings, and use these as prompts. If you are familiar with the material (as you ought) then you should be able to talk about it. o Practice your presentation. If you have not given it out loud (preferably to a friend) you haven’t prepared it. o Slides should support your presentation, not replace it. o Find an opportunity before your presentation to see how the projection system works. Presentation Marking: Provide a copy of this form with your name and student ID to you tutor immediately before your presentation. Student: ID: NA Attempt Poor Good Very Good Excel Content Covered essay contents (10) Demonstrated knowledge of material (10) Delivery Quality of multi-media visuals / supporting materials (3) Addressed the audience (2) Spoke clearly / Quality of vocabulary / professional Language (3) Timing under limit (2) Total Score (Max 30) School of ENGINEERING, CONSTRUCTION AND DESIGN BIT241 Professional IT Practice and Ethics Assignment 2 Part 2 Report Weight 25% Due: Week 11 Start of Class The report question 1) Identify a real or imagined Case Study that presents one or more significant ethical issues to an ICT professional. This Case Study is to be used to complete your assignment. (Note: that the Case Study is not counted towards the word count. Only your analysis will count.) 2) Prepare a report analysing the ethical issues raised in a case study, with recommendations for professional behaviour in both organisational and/or consultancy settings. In the report, describe the relevant case, identify the most pressing ethical issue(s), the stakeholders, possible breaches in standards or behaviour and the consequences. Discuss what you think is the most appropriate action(s). You must apply the process steps suggested in the text or notes (Lecture 1) to identify the necessary information for the report. Your report must include: Cover Page: Include the Title, Student Name and Number, Subject Code Introduction: A statement of the purpose of the report and a brief description of the report’s structure. Body: (Describe the relevant Case Study, identify the most pressing ethical issue(s), the stakeholders, possible breaches in standards or behaviour and the consequences.) Set out the facts in a fair and balanced way. List the main stakeholders (i.e. those in a position to be harmed or benefited). Record the major ideals that you believe play a role in the decision. Which of the criteria are to be emphasised? To whom or to what is an obligation owed, and what sort of obligation is it? What are the likely consequences for each stakeholder? Major, short term, long term. Which actions will harm the stakeholders? Which actions will benefit the stakeholders? What would each of the stakeholders want to have happen? Is there a solution that satisfies all stakeholders? Should any one stakeholder get greater consideration, and why? Which actions show care and respect for persons; honour the relevant obligations; and are likely to bring the best balance of consequences to all of those affected. What is the best action? What should be done? References/ Bibliography The footer must include your name, student ID, and page number. When writing your essay and before submission, be sure to meet all the criteria on the marking guideline. The paper will need to be 1500 words to cover the topic. A minimum of 1200 words is needed to pass. Submission of Assignments All final submissions must be submitted in both hardcopy and softcopy format. An assignment cover sheet must be attached t the hardcopy (not the softcopy). The softcopy is to be uploaded in MSWord or pdf format to the link provided in Moodle. Please ensure that all assignments are handed in by the due date and with the appropriate Assignment Cover Sheet. Assignments handed in past the due date may not be accepted or may incur penalty points. Please ensure that you abide by Melbourne Polytech’s Rules and Regulations School of ENGINEERING, CONSTRUCTION AND DESIGN BIT241 Professional IT Practice and Ethics Assignment 2 Assignment submissions will be checked for authenticity and originality using the “Turnitin” facility. A link will be provided in Moodle. Submission of Late Assignments A penalty of 20% of marks received will be applied where assignments are submitted within 7 days after the due date. A penalty of 50% of marks received will be applied if an assignment is more than 7 days late. UNL0ESS a formal extension with relevant documentation (medical certificate, legal notice, etc) has been submitted and approved within a reasonable time period. Academic and Professional Standards Plagiarism is the inclusion of another person’s work within your submission without acknowledgment or permission. While limited amounts of information and concepts expressed by others may be included as part of your work, each inclusion must be identified by appropriate referencing and acknowledgement to the original author. Plagiarism is regarded as a form of cheating, The penalties associated with misconduct are severe, and plagiarism may result in failure or variation of grade in the unit. For more information on the rights and responsibilities of students, grievance and appeal procedures see NMIT/1R/11 Student Discipline When visiting a non-NMIT facility, smart-casual dress is appropriate. Some Relevant Policies Web: Student Portal: P/HE/F/4/040 Application for Special Consideration P/HE/D/3/040 Assessment Policy (Higher Education) A/SV/D/7/007 Student Grievance Policy and Procedure ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW AND FEEDBACK SUMMARY See subject outline for details. School of ENGINEERING, CONSTRUCTION AND DESIGN BIT241 Professional IT Practice and Ethics Assignment 2 Report marking: Student: ID: NA Attempt Poor Good Very Good Excel Report has an identified purpose i) States the purpose of the report; (2.5) ii) Describes the report structure. (2.5) Body of report (10 each major point) i. Case Study description: The facts in a fair and balanced way. List the main stakeholders ii. List the major ideals that play a role in the decision. Which of the criteria are to be emphasised? To whom or to what is an obligation owed, and what sort of obligation is it? iii. What are the likely consequences for each stakeholder? Major, short term, long term. Which actions will harm/benefit the stakeholders? What do the stakeholders want to happen? Is there a solution that satisfies all stakeholders? Should anyone get greater consideration, and why? iv. Which actions show are likely to bring the best balance of consequences to all of those affected. What is the best action? What should be done? References & Grammar i) Citations used and indicated correctly (Harvard); (2.5) ii) Grammar and expression. (2.5) Turnitin Score: Gross Result: Turnitin adjustment (the deductions below are a guidelines only, each situation needs separate evaluation by the lecturer) i) No significant matches (No reduction) ii) Minor matches and score between 15 and 50 (-5 marks) iii) Major matches with significant unreferenced matches or large ‘matching’ sections (-15) iv) Not submitted to Turnitin (-20 marks) Late submission deduction Total Result (Max 50) BIT241 IT Professional Practice and Ethics Case Studies for assignment 2. Select 1 case study for use in assignment 2. Case study 1: Joe works as a ICT technician. The organization has a large number of staff that are members of their Union. Currently negotiations on pay and conditions are being held between Management and the Union. The negotiations have stalled and senior management has asked that the emails of the staff negotiating group be secretly monitored and reported to them. They intend to use the information in these emails to assist them in finalizing the negotiations. Joe suggests to management that these staff may not be happy if they find out their emails are being monitored and that it is an invasion of their privacy. Management responds that all emails sent on the business’s accounts are property of the business and that the business has the right to the content of these emails. Joe’s supervisor has directed him to access and read the negotiating members emails and to advise the management team of any emails that may impact negotiations. If any of the staff team are engaged in any activities that are against company policy, you are to advise senior management, so that action can be taken. What should Joe do? Case study 2: While on