Pre-writing: In two columns, marked"Men" and"Women," list the ways the two genders react differently to the pressures of college life. Be specific. For each item in one column, write a contrasting...

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In two columns, marked"Men" and"Women," list the ways the two genders react differently to the pressures of college life. Be specific. For each item in one column, write a contrasting item in the other column.

Next, do it again, this time listing the ways the two genders react differently to domestic situations. Be specific. For each item in one column, write a contrasting item in the other column.


Write a humorous essay that contrasts the ways in which men and women deal differently with the stresses of college life. Narrow your topic down to one aspect of college life: writing papers, social life, commuting, taking math tests, and so on. (You may come up with your own narrowed topic.)

OR you may choose a different venue--e.g., going through the airport, or shopping--to display how men and women deal with stress differently. Just be sure you narrow your topic down to one aspect of the situation, for example, going through security at the airport, or shopping for groceries.

  1. Begin with a "quiz" that highlights the difference you are going to discuss.

  2. Next, phrase your thesis statement in anironicfashion at the end of your HOW TO SCORE paragraph.

  3. Develop your contrast by offering at least three differences.

  4. Illustrate your contrast by providing examples in quick succession.

  5. Emphasize the differences by usinghyperbole.

  6. Conclude your essay with a paragraph that sums up the major points you have made.

  7. End with a sentence that recalls a joke from the beginning of your essay.

Note 1:Look up the definitions ofironyandhyperbolein a handbook, or dictionary.

*A model essay is attached

Answered Same DayMar 05, 2021

Answer To: Pre-writing: In two columns, marked"Men" and"Women," list the ways the two genders react differently...

Somudranil answered on Mar 06 2021
153 Votes
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Title: Samantha’s Plight
Are you undergoing pressure due to your college life? To find out, take this quiz:
1. You ar
e in charge of organizing an event for your college, with a classmate named Brian but you have a tight schedule. You also have a situation of a tight deadline constantly bugging you. All of a sudden, you feel freaked out and want to back out from the organizing committee, but Brian refuses. To tackle the situation, you can do the following:
a. Patience is the key element of all solutions; therefore make him understand, if not then
b. Kick him on the face.
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2. Your exams are nearing and you are anxiously apprehended concerning it, you cannot afford to meddle with your career just for some event. All of a sudden, Brian makes fun of you and tells you how important the event is,
a. Make yourself conceive the fact that it is just another event, but there won’t be another exam.
b. Once again, kick Brian on the face.
If your answer to both the questions is “b”, then you are a male.
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