PowerPoint PresentationWeek 4LectorialTEQSA: PRV14311CRICOS: 03836JDEN304 – Digital TransformationAgendaTEQSA: PRV14311CRICOS: 03836JIntroductionPrevious Week’s TopicsTopics...


PowerPoint Presentation Week 4 Lectorial TEQSA: PRV14311 CRICOS: 03836J DEN304 – Digital Transformation Agenda TEQSA: PRV14311 CRICOS: 03836J Introduction Previous Week’s Topics Topics For This Week Keywords Review Questions PreviousWeek’sTopics TEQSA: PRV14311 CRICOS: 03836J After completing this chapter you will be able to: 1. Overview 2. Key Principles 3. Benefits 4. Challenges 5. Agile Methodology 6. Agile Tools 7. Conclusion Agile Project Management Agile is a framework with a set of principles and methodologies to implement systems and software development. Its foundation is built on the principle whereby the requirements and solutions are developed in collaboration with cross functional teams with incremental improvements over time aligned with the expectations of the users. It helps in continuous improvements and encourages rapid and flexible response to changes that are essential for the business. In recent years, the digital platform has also evolved to bring more modularity and agility into the overall transformation undertaken by the enterprise. Agile requires a change in the enterprise culture, project, principles and values to build the software. TEQSA: PRV14311 CRICOS: 03836J Salient features Some of the salient features of an agile framework are listed below: All functional teams are organised as scrums to iteratively develop, test, and document the results of the application. The scrum master facilitates the scrum teams for any decisions and resolutions. Shorter time frames called sprints are used to configure or develop small and focused parts of the solution. The requirements and other features are broken down into small pieces with a detailed level of functionality called user stories. The list of all themes, user stories, project requirements, and feature are collected as part of solution validation and documented as a prioritised list known as a product backlog, which is owned by the project owner. Each iteration involves a cross-functional team working in all functions including planning, design, configuration, development, unit testing, integration testing and user acceptance testing. A working component of the product or software is demonstrated to the end users and stakeholders at the end of every increment step or sprint cycle. It reduces the overall risk of the project with early testing and defect detection and helps to adapt to the changes quickly. TEQSA: PRV14311 CRICOS: 03836J Product Backlog Maintenance Shift-Left testing Approach Minimise Documentation TEQSA: PRV14311 CRICOS: 03836J Key Principles • The agile methodology works on the following key principles: Leadership Commitment Pilot Approach Empowerment Team Interaction Collaborative Approach User Stories Robust Release Planning Working Software to Playback Scenario Agile Project Management TEQSA: PRV14311 CRICOS: 03836J Benefits Some of the benefits of adopting agile include improved efficiency, reduced risk, high quality, and increased collaboration. There is an improvement in the quality of requirements, resulting in a reduced defect rate, fewer assumptions, and overall higher-quality product and deliverables. The probability of delivering a viable product within the estimated timeframe is substantially increased. The agile methodology creates a motivating project culture and environment, which improves its adoption. It provides a higher level of collaboration, results in reduced frustration, and increased the feeling of ownership from the business. The agile framework thrives with the use of automated testing and DevOps procedures. The final project is closer to what end users envision due to the frequent feedback look and playback demo sessions with business. TEQSA: PRV14311 CRICOS: 03836J Challenges TEQSA: PRV14311 CRICOS: 03836J • Some of the challenges of adopting agile include the following: • Rigorous and ongoing planning is required to plan resources, sequence integrated work, and design the work in a dynamic environment. • Planning and execution in small sprints require more experienced resources, and the overall implementation cost does not decrease. • A variable and recurring scope change decision process and backlog maintenance require a high-level trust relationship between the internal cross functional teams and the vendors. • Product owners need to be strict gatekeepers of scope in order to prevent unmanaged scope creep. DevOps TEQSA: PRV14311 CRICOS: 03836J Topics for thisweek TEQSA: PRV14311 CRICOS: 03836J The topics that would be covered this week includes: DevOps Overview Key Principles Benefits Challenges Market trends DevOps Enterprise Maturity DevOps Enablers Adoption by Industry Use Cases Conclusion Keywords / Concepts TEQSA: PRV14311 CRICOS: 03836J DevOps Use Cases Testing Iterative approach Automated testing Collaborative approach Waterfall Lean Principles Team Cohesion DevOps TEQSA: PRV14311 CRICOS: 03836J PreparationForYourWebinar TEQSA: PRV14311 CRICOS: 03836J • Read chapter 4 • Attempt the following questions: 1. What is DevOps? 2. Explain the benefits and challenges of DevOps? 3. Describe the DevOps Enterprise Maturity journey? 4. Discuss the adoption by industry as outlined the textbook? Any questions? TEQSA: PRV14311 CRICOS: 03836J Reference TEQSA: PRV14311 CRICOS: 03836J • MAHESHWARI, A. (2020). Digital transformation: building intelligent enterprises. http://www.vlebooks.com/vleweb/product/openreader?id=none&is bn=9781119540861. http://www.vlebooks.com/vleweb/product/openreader?id=none&isbn=9781119540861
Oct 10, 2022

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