Post your final individual paper.
Minimum 6 to maximum 10 pagesin length (double spaced)not including end notes and references. You need to do a Works Cited or Reference Page for your final paper regardless of the reference style you choose (i.e. MLA, APA or any other style).
You may choose any topic of interest to you that relates to what we have learned in this course and provide an in-depth analysis of that topic. We will discuss potential final paper topics as the course progresses (via Journals). The paper must be written in an argument academic style. In other words, you do need to argue in favor and/or against a particular view on the selected subject matter of your paper and provide arguments in support and/or against to justify the thesis (main premise) of your paper. Simply quoting or referring to history or relying solely on the background information on the chosen topic will not suffice to meet the criteria for your final paper.
Please provide at least three non-Internet credible references. Use any citation style as long as you are consistent. Do not rely only on Internet resources. I want to see at least a couple of references from periodicals, books, articles, etc.Be careful not toquote extensively. Please make sure you give credit to the author when paraphrasing their work, as I will use a special software that will analyze your paper and search for plagiarism.
Organization, grammar, form, and writing style all count as well as the substance of your ideas. Be sure to review the paper before posting it and use the spell check function in the assignment box. It is a very useful tool.
Follow the introduction with a solid thesis,body and conclusion format.
Please make sure not to wait until the last moment to post your Final Paper, as Laulima's clock may be different from your own and you run the risk of Laulima not accepting your assignment. During the Summer Semester, it is not possible to grant any extension whatever the reason may be. The grades must be submitted 1.5 days later after the semester ends. Thus, time is of the essence.
Be glad and happy, we are almost there. Keep up the good work.
Hello, that was the instructions posted from my professor. I would love to have the topic of the new abortion law in Georgia. This is an argumentative paper as well. Thank you