Portfolio Week 1 need to cover
1.Put in your own words what you think Project Management is.
2. Make a list of three activities that you do each day or each week which can be regarded as a Project
3.Now, what is Project Success?
4. Do you know of any projects that are successful? Describe one? How is it• successful?
5.Is Project Success the same as Project Management? Why?
6.Make a list of three problems of Project Management?
7. Can anyone be a good project manager? Do you think that functional• managers would make good project managers?
8. Project managers are usually dedicated and committed to the project. Who• should be “looking over the shoulder” of the project manager to make sure that the work and requests are also in the best interest of the company? Does your answer depend on the priority of the project?
Portfolio Week 2 need to cover
1.After reading about the history about project management, describe what you think about project management? What has been the contribution to the world?
2. What are the benefits of using project management?
3. Do you think in your life you have approached things in a way that methodical?
4. Could you say that the method you approach things with has similarities to• project management?
5. How would you describe project management and change?
6. Have you ever wanted to change something?
7. Describe an example where you introduce change and how you achieved it.• How would you describe a “System”, “Program and “Project”?
8. Have you ever experienced a failed project?
9. Describe it and why it failed? What could have been done differently to not• fail?
10. Describe a project life cycle? Can you name any?
11. How would you describe Project Management Methodology? How do “People”, “Work”, “Tools” and “Organisation” affect Project Management Methodology? Give examples from your life? 12.Why do you think we need project management methodologies?
13. How does having project management methodologies relate to continuous improvement? 14.Have you ever experienced continuous improvement in your life?
15. Describe an example where you strived for ‘continuous improvement”
16. Have you ever failed in an exam, a test, or done badly in an activity and then wanted to improve? What did you do to improve?
Portfolio Week 3 need to cover
1.How do organisations employ the best staff? In particular, how does an organisation find the best project manager?
2.What skills do you think are needed for a good project manager? Why?
3. What happens when an organisation selects the wrong project manager?
4. Do you think project managers of today are different from project manager ten years ago? How are they different?
5. Are you different in how you do things today as compared to ten years ago?
6. Do you ever try to improve your efficiency in how you do things?
7. How do you improve? What do you do?
Portfolio Week 4 need to cover
1.Describe how one becomes successful in whatever they do?
2. Is this the same for projects?
3. Can you predict success? How?
4. How can project management deliver successful projects?
5. What has been done to try to achieve this?
6.How would you describe project management effectiveness?
7. Is controlling expectations important for success? Why? How
8. What is an example of best practice in your life?
9. Below are twelve instructions. Which are best described as planning, and• which are best described as forecasting?
o Give a complete definition of the work.
o Lay out a proposed schedule.
o Establish project milestones.
o Determine the need for different resources.
o Determine the skills required for each WBS task or element.
o Change the scope of the effort and obtain new estimates.
o Estimate the total time to complete the required work.
o Consider changing resources.
o Assign appropriate personnel to each WBS element.
o Reschedule project resources.
o Begin scheduling the WBS elements.
o Change the project priorities.
Portfolio Week 5 need to cover
1.What are the different ways of classifying projects?
2. How senior is a Project Manager in an organization?
3.Do you think that functional managers would make good project managers?
4. Project managers are usually dedicated and committed to the project. Who should be “looking over the shoulder” of the project manager to make sure that the work and requests are also in the best interest of the company? Does your answer depend on the priority of the project?
5. Is project management designed to transfer power from the line managers to the project manager?
6. Explain how career paths and career growth can differ between project-driven and non–project-driven organizations. In each organization, is the career path fastest in project management, project engineering, or line management?
7. Think about your own career into the future and describe a possible career path.
8. Describe the different organizational structures and explain the pros and cons of each.
9. Do you think that personnel working in a project organizational structure should undergo “therapy” sessions or seminars on a regular basis so as to better understand their working environment? If yes, how frequently? Does the frequency depend upon the project organizational form selected, or should they all be treated equally?
10. How would each person identified below respond to the question, “How many bosses do you have?”
Portfolio Week 6 need to cover
1.“Success is like as three-legged stool. What does this mean?
2. What must the project manager provide in order to develop a solid project plan?
3. For projects that are done for external sources, the project manager is first viewed as starting out with a pot of gold and then as having to manage the project so that sufficient profits will be made for the stockholders. Why is this the case? Explain.
4. Should age have a bearing on how long it takes an executive to accept project management? 5.How should a project manager react when he finds inefficiency in the functional lines? Should executive management become involved?
6. Should project managers be permitted to establish prerequisites for top management regarding standard company procedures?
7. Does a project sponsor have the right to have an in-house representative removed from his company?
8. When does project management turn into over management?
9. What does a program manager bear final responsibility for?
Portfolio Week 7 need to cover
1.What planning steps should precede total program scheduling? What steps are necessary? 2.Describe in your own personal life projects the process for planning
3. How does a project manager determine how complex to make a program plan or how many schedules to include?
4. Is it possible for the WBS to be designed so that resource allocation is easier to identify?
5. What roles does a functional manager play in establishing the first three levels of the WBS?
6. In your own life projects … are there times where there is a “Functional Manager” overlooking your planning? Like your mother or friends or …
7. What types of conflicts can occur during the planning cycle, and what modes should be used for their resolution?
8. How do the customer and contractor know if each one completely understands the statement of work, the work breakdown structure, and the program plan?
9. In your own projects, how do you make sure stakeholders know what is going on? Describe what you do? Do you use social media to help in your communication? Or do you have meetings? Or do you ring everyone by phone?
10. You have been asked to develop a work breakdown structure for a project. How should you go about accomplishing this? Should the WBS be timephased, department-phased, division-phased, or some combination?
Portfolio Week 8 need to cover
1.How do you develop specifications in a project?
2. Describe the steps in developing a Work Breakdown Structure
3. List some of the problems in decomposition of a WBS
4. Describe what is the role of a senior manager or top level manager or executive
5. Are senior management important for a project?
6. What is the role of the executive during planning?
7.In your personal experience describe a situation where someone else “owned” the event. Describe how you managed the owner who was paying for the event. Describe any politics or tensions. How did you manage the situation?
8. What should be in a Project Plan? Why?
9. Describe the different types of plans that a Project Manager needs to develop.
10. What is a Project Charter? And how do you develop one?
11. If you have a plan, how do you personally keep to it? How do you make sure the work assigned is being done?
12. What is a SOW?
13. What is Configuration Management?
14. How can a Project Management methodology enhance project planning?
Portfolio Week 9 need to cover
1.How do you describe ‘Continuous Improvement?
2. In your own life, give an example where you have continuous improvement.
3. What is quality? And how does continuous improvement impact on quality?
4. Describe the history for the quality movement
5. How do you ensure quality in what you do in life?
6.Describe the processes you have introduced to ensure you deliver quality
Portfolio Week 10 need to cover
1.How do you ensure you have the right number of resources for the project?
2. How do you ensure your project team have the correct skills and knowledge to do their job? 3.How do you manage scope change and ensure there is no scope creep?
4. Why do changes happen in a project?
5. Have you ever in your personal life experienced the need for change? How do you handle this? What did you do?