Portfolio Project Assignment
Requirement: Submit WORD document file:
Type 5 pages minimum — (Margin: 1 inch; Font Type and Size: Times New Roman, 12; Spacing: double). May exceed up to 7 pages
The ‘cover’ and ‘works cited/ reference’ pages do not contribute to the 6- page count.
You may use outside resources to further your comprehension.
Do not insert images or tables onto your paper.
Cite your work either APA or MLA style format.
Your paper will be based on Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Model.
Make sure that your paper is cohesive and easy to follow. Use correct grammar and spelling.
FORMAT/ (Outline) for Portfolio Project Assignment Paper:
- Start with an introduction and end with a conclusion as is the standard for most papers.
Write an interpretation of Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Model (include all systems giving a brief definition and a thorough interpretation of each system) applying them to your own life. Avoid deviating from the syllabus instructions otherwise points may be deducted accordingly. (Tell your story.) Make sure to define each system at the start as you move through the layers. As you can see below, the microsystem is defined as number one before describing the rest of that system—
For example:
– The microsystems layer, the smallest of the contexts in which the child is embedded, is made up of the environment where the child lives and moves. The people and institutions the child interacts with in that environment make up the microsystems.
Immediate family
Neighborhood play area
Teachers and peers
Child care
(continue on through the layers)
Mesosystems –
(Define) Continue until all the layers in the Mesosystems and other systems are addressed.