Pooja is an occupational therapist working in an outpatient hand clinic. She has just met her new client Darren, who has arrived at the clinic for evaluation and treatment of a radial nerve injury...

Pooja is an occupational therapist working in an outpatient hand clinic. She has just met her new client Darren, who has arrived at the clinic for evaluation and treatment of a radial nerve injury after an open reduction and internal fixation of an elbow fracture. Darren is concerned by his lack of hand motion and sensation as a result of the nerve injury. He talks with Pooja about his injury and operative course. He had full hand use before the surgery. He reports having minimal conversations with his surgeon to date. He was sedated after the procedure, and his follow-up visit was quite brief. He asks Pooja what her opinion is, saying, “I get the feeling something went wrong during my surgery. I asked why my hand is like this now, and they gave me some technical jargon. Do you think the surgeon made a mistake?” If you were Pooja, how would you handle this communication? What would be your first step? Why

May 22, 2022

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