PMAP 4041: Problem Set 3 Grading: This assignment is worth a total of 34 points (5% of your overall grade). Question 1: Please answer the following questions based on the information in Table 1.Table...

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PMAP 4041: Problem Set 3 Grading: This assignment is worth a total of 34 points (5% of your overall grade). Question 1: Please answer the following questions based on the information in Table 1.Table 1 shows the regression with grade and a set of dummy variables representing people’s race. Race would be five values: whites, Asians, blacks, Hispanic, and Indians. Table 1 Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) 10.082 .121 83.238 .000 asian -.437 .599 -.022 -.730 .466 black -2.168 .275 -.245 -7.880 .000 hispanic -1.144 .482 -.073 -2.371 .018 indian -1.847 .802 -.071 -2.304 .021 a. Dependent Variable: grade 1. What is the regression equation (2 points) 2. What is the reference group? (2 points) 3. Interpret the y-intercept (2 points) 4. Interpret the regression coefficient on Hispanic(2 points) 5. Interpret the regression coefficient on Asian(2 points) Question 2: Please answer the following questions based on the information in Table 2. Male is coded with 1 = male and 0 = female; white is coded with 1= white, and 0 = racial/ethnic minorities. Table 2 Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) 7.405 .204 36.260 .000 male 2.213 .197 .328 11.232 .000 white 1.462 .221 .193 6.604 .000 a. Dependent Variable: grade 1. What is the regression equation(2 points) 2. Interpret the y-intercept (2 points) 3. What is the expected grade for female whites?(1 point) 4. What is the expected grade for male whites?(1 point) 5. What is the expected grade for male minorities?(1 point) 6. Interpret the regression coefficient on male(2 points) 7. Interpret the regression coefficient on white(2 points) (Bonus) Does the equation generate a line or several points? If it generates several points, how many points specifically for this question?(2 points) 2 SUPP ASSESSMENT Student Number: (enter on the line below) Student Name: (enter on the line below) HC2101 Performance management in HR final assessmeNt Trimester 1, 2021 Assessment Weight: 50 total marks Instructions: · All questions must be answered by using the answer boxes provided in this paper. · Completed answers must be submitted to Blackboard by the published due date and time. Submission instructions are at the end of this paper. Purpose: This assessment consists of six (6) questions and is designed to assess your level of knowledge of the key topics covered in this unit. There are 6 questions in the Tutorial Assignment. Once the assignment available, you will have 24 hours to finish and submit it. Each week students were provided with similar case studies and situational questions of varying degrees of difficulty. These tutorial case studies and guide questions are available in the Tutorial Folder for each week on Blackboard. The Interactive Tutorials are designed to assist students with the process, skills and knowledge to answer the provided tutorial questions. Your task is to answer a selection of tutorial questions covered over Week 2 to Week 11 inclusive. It is important when you answer the questions, you do not just copy and paste the answers from other sources, but rather, try to paraphrase it and provide reference (in- text referencing) to your answers. All references must be listed appropriately at the end of the report using Harvard referencing style. References provided must follow Reference Requirement detailed on page 6. In this assessment, you are given 6 questions under cases/scenarios where you will apply Performance Management for Human Resources concepts to support your recommendations. Case 1: Turnover Analysis (15 marks) to be used for Questions 1-3 As Human Resource Manager, you recently completed your company’s new compensation plan. You are happy with the results but know there is more to retaining the employees than just pay, and you don’t currently have a retention plan. Your organization is a poultry wholesaler, consisting of 15 offices across South Australia, Northern Territory and Tasmania. The majority of employees are sales and marketing staff, and they fill full-time and temporary positions. One of the challenges you face is a difference in geographical areas, and as a result, there are differences in what may motivate employees. As you initially look at turnover numbers, you have the sense that turnover has increased over the last six months. Your initial thoughts are the need for a better retention strategy, utilizing a bonus structure as well as other methods of retention. Currently, your organization pays a straight salary to employees, does not offer flextime or telecommuting options, focuses on individual performance (new and total sales generated) rather than team performance, and provides five days of vacation for every two years with the organization. Month Separated Employees Total Number of Employees Midmonth March 12 182 April 14 171 May 16 139 June 20 148 July 22 145 HC2101 Final Assessment T1 2021 Question 1(3 marks) Calculate and interpret the monthly turnover for the past five (5) months. ANSWER: ** Answer box will enlarge as you type Question 2(3 marks) What steps would you take to remedy the above situation? ANSWER: Question 3(9 marks) Identify and discuss 3 possible reasons for turnover in your own workplace or any organization (if you are currently not working). Be specific and describe the organization and the issue. (3 marks each) ANSWER: Question 4(15 marks) Review each of the appraisal methods and discuss extensively which one you might use for the following types of jobs. Explain the reasons for your choice. (3 marks each) 1. Administrative Assistant 2. Chief Executive Officer 3. Human Resource Manager 4. Retail Store Assistant Manager 5. Parcel Delivery Driver ANSWER: Case 2: Workforce Diversity (20 marks) to be used for Questions 5-6 But…It’s Our Company Culture! You are the HR manager for a fifty-person firm that specializes in the development and marketing of plastics technologies. When you were hired, you felt the company had little idea what you should be paid and just made up a number, which you were able to negotiate to a slightly higher salary. While you have been on the job for three months, you have noticed a few concerning things in the area of multiculturalism, besides the way your salary was offered. The following are some of those items: 1. You know that some of the sales team, including the sales manager, get together once a month to have drinks at a strip club. 2. A Hispanic worker left the organization, and in his exit interview, he complained of not seeing a path toward promotion. 3. The only room available for breast-feeding mothers is the women’s restroom. 4. The organization has a policy of offering $200 to any employee who refers a friend, as long as the friend is hired and stays at least six months. 5. The manufacturing floor has an English-only policy. 6. You have heard managers refer to those wearing turbans in a derogatory way. Question 5(8 marks) Cite two (2) things that you think need to be done to create a more inclusive environment, without losing the culture of the company? Support your answer with diversity theories and multi-cultural frameworks learned in class. ANSWER: Question 6(12 marks) What suggestions would you make to those involved in each of the 6 situations above (2 marks each)? ANSWER: END OF FINAL ASSESSMENT Submission instructions: · Save submission with your STUDENT ID NUMBER and UNIT CODE e.g. EMV54897 HC2101 · Submission must be in MICROSOFT WORD FORMAT ONLY · Upload your submission to the appropriate link on Blackboard · Only one submission is accepted. Please ensure your submission is the correct document. · All submissions are automatically passed through SafeAssign to assess academic integrity. Reference requirements Assessment Design – Adapted Harvard Referencing Holmes will be implementing as a pilot program a revised Harvard approach to referencing. The following guidelines apply: 1. Reference sources in assignments are limited to sources which provide full text access to the source’s content for lecturers and markers. 1. The Reference list should be located on a separate page at the end of the essay and titled: References. 1. It should include the details of all the in-text citations, arranged alphabetically A-Z by author surname.  In addition, it MUST include a hyperlink to the full text of the cited reference source.  For example; P Hawking, B McCarthy, A Stein (2004), Second Wave ERP Education, Journal of Information Systems Education, Fall, 1. All assignments will require additional in-text reference details which will consist of the surname of the author/authors or name of the authoring body, year of publication, page number of content, paragraph where the content can be found. For example; “The company decided to implement a enterprise wide data warehouse business intelligence strategies (Hawking et al, 2004, p3(4)).” Non-Adherence to Referencing Guidelines Where students do not follow the above guidelines: 1. Students who submit assignments which do not comply with the guidelines will be asked to resubmit their assignments.  1. Late penalties will apply, as per the Student Handbook each day, after the student/s have been notified of the resubmission requirements.  1. Students who comply with guidelines and the citations are “fake” will be reported for academic misconduct.
Answered 14 days AfterJun 30, 2021HC2101

Answer To: PMAP 4041: Problem Set 3 Grading: This assignment is worth a total of 34 points (5% of your overall...

Karishma answered on Jul 15 2021
140 Votes
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Monthy turnover rate :
Total Number of Separated Employees / Total Number of Employees Midmonth * 100 .
Monthly Turnover rate for mo
nths , is below mentioned:
March : 6.59 % | April : 8.18% | May : 11.51% | June: 13.51% | July: 15.17%
Overall monthly turnover for past five months works out to be 10.70 %
Since, the employee turnover/attrition rate is increasing every month by +2% rise in employee separation, this high rate of employee turnover is alarming and indicates serious internal issue that must be addressed. Higher employee rate affects the productivity as well as adds to additional cost in terms of hiring and recruitment including trainng.
-There must be steps taken to reduce the overall employee turnover rate by engaging more with employee through exit interviews and understanding the cause & reason on leaving the organisation. This involves complete cycle starting from hiring right set of candidates to keeping the compensation and benefits in line with industry standard & individual’s capability and contribution. Employees feel valued with the act of generosity and gratitude, therefore giving them more tangible rewards act as motivator for retention.
-Other remedies, would depend case to case, HR must engage to understand employee mindset and allow them flexibility in terms on maintain their Work Life balance.
-Ensure employees are nourished on the job by giving them trainings and prospects for growth and development. Culture of respect can only be demonstrated with the management actions and offering other benefits to the employees which aligns with their motivation and synergies.
Currently, I have been employed in a service industry which belongs to Customer Relation Management Segment. Employees hired for such profile are usually School / College graduates. There is huge attrition rate in this industry and segment. Retention of Employees is one of the major issue in Business process outsourcing industry. Following are three reasons for higher employee turnover in my current industry:
(1) Youngsters Keep Changing Job Profile for hike or raise in Salary Profile: The Average age of employees engaged as agents for calling/ chatting process is majorly 18years-25years. During this age, youngsters tend to explore and are in need more financial hike to support their expenses and other family needs. Particular, these employees switch for better financial package and lucrative working environment. Youngsters today do not have patience and mindset to wait for several years before switching for another...

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