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Refrences not included in the word and we only need to give the chosen model of reflection such as rolf or Gibbs cycle of reflection and intext cite
Use template for the assignment
Part 1: Introduction: Identify the place, person, and thing that influences your professional identity(not name that person)name the area of professional identity that you going to discuss. (50 words)
Part 3:Describe the experiences, and what happened(50 words)
Part 4:How does that significant person or experience influence one aspect of your professional identity for example how does that thing influence your values as a student nurse as you prepare to become a registered nurse, during that period of study how has how that professional identity developed because of influence of that thing. Include one citation for example nursing and midwifery document or NMBA documents(150)
Part 5: how that significant thing could further influence one aspect of your professional identity as a new registered nurse within the first year of the workforce, cover different aspects not the same. (need one citation) either from nursing and midwifery or NMBA standards(150)
Part 6: conclusion concludes the main areas band points that you have presented, only brief (50 words)
There is a word limit of 500 words. Use your computer to total the number of words used in your assignment. However, do not include the reference list at the end of your assignment in the word count. In-text citations will be included in the additional 10% word count. If you exceed the word limit by more than 10% the marker will stop marking at 500 words plus 10%.
Aim of Assessment:
The aim of this assessment is for nursing and midwifery students to articulate your professional identity at the final stage of your studies. It also provides students an opportunity to understand, elaborate and reflect on their own journey through the nursing/midwifery program and how this may impact on their practice. Reflecting on personal attributes and commitment to the profession is helpful in developing a professional identity.
At the School of Nursing & Midwifery, our nursing philosophy is: We believe that at the heart of nursing and midwifery is the delivery of safe, purposeful, and compassionate care with our graduates having a true sense of purpose and belonging. We believe nursing/midwifery is an art and a science.
For this assessment, you are asked to reflect on
significant person, relationship, interaction, time, place,
which you have encountered during your professional period of study.
You are asked to consider:
How the significant person, relationship, interaction, time, place, OR object has influenced your professional identity as a student nurse or midwife
how it could further influence your professional identity as a registered professional in the future.
For the purposes of this assessment, professional identity relates to:
Professional knowledge, skills, motivations, beliefs, attitudes, values, thoughts, feelings, behaviours, goals, and views of one’s performance as a nurse or midwife.
Important information:
use the Word template
which is provided on the Assessment 3 vUWS site for submission of your work.
Uisng the template please use the following structure for your work
An introduction informing the reader of the plan of your work and the main points and concepts to be discussed.
A brief summary of your chosen model of reflection.
A summary of the significant person, relationship, interaction, time, place,
object (Please be mindful of confidentiality. Your work should not include identifying information).
Reflect on how the significant person, relationship, interaction, time, place,
has influenced
one aspect
of your professional identity during your professional period of study.
Reflect on how the significant person, relationship, interaction, time, place,
could further influence
one aspect
of your professional identity as a registered professional.
A conclusion drawing together the main areas and points presented within your work.
Please use the following structure for your work:
- The total word count is 500 words.
- Electronic copy only. Submit your assessment electronically through the Turnitin link on the subject vUWS site.
- Students are to upload the assessment with the following title:
I am also going to attached
1. marking criteria
2. some information on how to do the assignment
3. Template where you going to add the words for assignment