College of Doctoral Studies RES-845: Module 8 Problem Set Solutions Factorial (2 x 3) MANOVA 1. Is there a sufficient correlation between the dependent variables to justify the use of MANOVA? YES! THE...

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Please write out the answers to the following three questionsusing the appropriate supporting statistics in APA format:

  1. Was the multivariate main effect of treatment significant or not?

  2. For men, what was the most effective treatment (if there were any significant differences observed) for emotion and how can you tell?

  3. For women, what was the most effective treatment (if there were any significant differences observed) for emotion and how can you tell?

College of Doctoral Studies RES-845: Module 8 Problem Set Solutions Factorial (2 x 3) MANOVA 1. Is there a sufficient correlation between the dependent variables to justify the use of MANOVA? YES! THE DEPENDENT VARIABLES ARE BOTH CONCEPTUALLY AND STATISTICALLY (r = .513) RELATED. 2. Was the assumption of Equality of Covariance Matrices violated? Explain. NO! RESULT OF THE BOX'S TEST OF EQUALITY OF COVARIANCE MATRICES INDICATED NO VIOLATION (p = .463). 3. Is there a statistically significant multivariate interaction effect? YES! Identify the dependent variable(s) of this interaction effect. EMOTION ONLY 4. What would be the proper follow-up tests for a statistically significant interaction effect? CONDUCT TWO SEPARATE ONE-WAY ANOVAs WITH TREATMENT AS THE INDEPENDENT VARIABLE FOR MALES AND FEMALES. IF THE ONE-WAY ANOVAs REPORT A STATISTICALLY SIGNIFICANT OMNIBUS, THEN PERFORM THE APPROPRIATE POST-HOC. 5. Identify the proper post hoc analyses for any statistically significant univariate effects. Explain your answer. THE LSD IS ONE OF THE PROPER POST-HOCS BECAUSE THE EQUAL VARIANCES ASSUMPTION IS NOT VIOLATED. 6. Is there a statistically significant multivariate gender effect on the dependent variate? YES! BUT BECAUSE THERE IS AN INTERACTION EFFECT, THIS MAIN EFFECT IS OF LITTLE INTEREST. 7. Why would a researcher conduct a MANOVA instead of several ANOVAs? THERE ARE AT LEAST TWO REASONS TO CONDUCT A MANOVA INSTEAD OF A SERIES OF ANOVAs. (1) MANOVA IS A MORE POWERFUL STATISTICAL TECHNIQUE (I.E., IT IS BETTER ABLE TO DETECT DIFFERENCES IF THEY REALLY EXIST), (2) MANOVA CONTROLS FOR AN INFLATED TYPE I ERROR. 8. Write a Results section for this research. Correlations General Linear Model Box's Test of Equality of Covariance Matricesa   Multivariate Tests c   Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variances a   Tests of Between-Subjects Effects General Linear Model 1. Treatment 2. Gender 3. Treatment * Gender Univariate Analysis of Variance Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Estimated Marginal Means 1. Treatment 2. Gender 3. Treatment * Gender Univariate Analysis of Variance for MALES Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Estimated Marginal Means Treatment Post Hoc Tests Multiple Comparisons Univariate Analysis of Variance for FEMALES Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Estimated Marginal Means Treatment Post Hoc Tests Treatment Multiple Comparisons Univariate Analysis of Variance for TREATMENT Main Effect Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Estimated Marginal Means Treatment Post Hoc Tests Treatment © 2012. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
Answered Same DayAug 28, 2021

Answer To: College of Doctoral Studies RES-845: Module 8 Problem Set Solutions Factorial (2 x 3) MANOVA 1. Is...

Gajula Nagasai answered on Aug 28 2021
154 Votes
Multivariate Tests
Was the Multivariate main effect of treatment significant or not?
ng of hypothesis:
Null Hypothesis Ho: multivariate main effect of treatment is not significant
Alternative Hypothesis Ha: multivariate main effect of treatment is significant
Decision rule: if significance p value is less than 0.05 we can conclude that there Is a significance difference between the observations.
From the above table, clearly we observed that the significant value in 4 cases for the main effect of treatment is lower than 0.05 at 5% level of significance it indicates that fail to accept null hypothesis i.e., accept alternative hypothesis.
Conclusion: Therefore, the multivariate main effect of treatment is significant
From the above output the treatment (independent variblle) and Emotion (dependent variable) have a significant imapactiing correaltion between each...

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