Derivation Case No. X Z Y XXXXXXXXXX64e-15 XXXXXXXXXX89e-15 XXXXXXXXXX148e-15 XXXXXXXXXX3e-15 Case No. ? ? 1 2 3 4 2 2 2 4 4(4 1) ( ) X A X XYZ    XXXXXXXXXX 2 2 2 2 XXXXXXXXXX ) XXXXXXXXXX ) X Y...

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Please write a MATLAB program to plot a surface based on A(X,Y) and B(X,Y), Z will be set as a constant, instead X and Y are variables. Hence, there will be four plots to go, as Z = 3000, 1500, 1000, 700

Range of X and Y will be (Each of the variable will have 20 points in the given range)

X = [0.1, 5]

Y = [30e-15,300e-15]

Derivation Case No. X Z Y 1 4.04 2749 32.64e-15 2 2.25 1251 39.89e-15 3 1.346 626.1 148e-15 4 0.14 836.1 188.3e-15 Case No. ? ? 1 2 3 4 2 2 2 4 4(4 1) ( ) X A X XYZ    2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 (2 ( 3 ) 3 1) (6 ) (3 1) ( 3 ) X Y X X XZ Z X Y X Z XZ X Z B X Y X XZ Z                 112.388 10   Please write a MATLAB program to plot a surface based on A(X,Y) and B(X,Y), Z will be set as a constant, instead X and Y are variables. Hence, there will be four plots to go, as Z = 3000, 1500, 1000, 700 Range of X and Y will be (Each of the variable will have 20 points in the given range) X = [0.1, 5] Y = [30e-15,300e-15]
Answered Same DayAug 08, 2021

Answer To: Derivation Case No. X Z Y XXXXXXXXXX64e-15 XXXXXXXXXX89e-15 XXXXXXXXXX148e-15 XXXXXXXXXX3e-15 Case...

Swapnil answered on Aug 09 2021
153 Votes
clear all;
x = linspace(0.1,5,20);
y = linspace(30*power(10,-15),300*power(10,-15),20);
w =
[X Y] = meshgrid(x,y);
%for z = 3000
z = 3000;
for i=1:20
A(i) = (4*x(i))/(sqrt(4*power((4*x(i) + 1),2)+power(w,2)*power(x(i)*y(i)*z,2)));
B(i) = sqrt(4*power(x(i),2)*(2*power(w*y(i),2)*x(i)*((x(i)+3*x(i)*z+z)+3*x(i)+1))+power(w*y(i),2)*power((6*power(x(i),2)*z -x(i)*z - x(i) - z),2))/ (power(3*x(i)+1,2) + power(w*y(i),2)*power((x(i) + 3*x(i)*y(i) + z),2));
[A A] = meshgrid(A,A);
[B B] = meshgrid(B,B);
title('A (z=3000)');
xlabel('X axis');
ylabel('Y axis');
title('B (z=3000)');
xlabel('X axis');
ylabel('Y axis');
clear A;
clear B;
%for z =...

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