Please, write a discussion post about the Topic/Statement attached (500 words). Please use 2 of the citation sources provided. Thank you!
Please, write a discussion post about the Topic/Statement below (500 words) Topic/Statement: Debate the relative pros and cons of a fixed V a floating exchange rate system. From the perspective of a multinational business, what are the most important criteria in a choice between them? Explain your answer in a clear and concise manner. (2 or 3 Citations needed for this discussion post) Citation sources (Please use any of the below citation sources for the initial discussion): Thiessen, G. (2000). Why a Floating Exchange Rate Regime Makes Sense for Canada. Retrieved 22 July 2018, from Wiseman, P. (2016). Fact check: Does China manipulate its currency?. Retrieved 22 July 2018, from Amadeo, K. (2018). How China Influences the U.S. Dollar: Its Influence Is Hidden and Powerfull Retrieved from How Does China Control Exchange Rates? (2018). Retrieved from Wallace, C. (2018). China's Currency Manipulation Is A Response to Trump's Tariffs. Retrieved from Coy, P. (2017, October 20). Floating Exchange Rates Can Cause Big Trouble. Retrieved from Difference between Fixed vs. Flexible Exchange Rate System. (2015, August 18). Retrieved from Lewis, N. (2016, November 07). Fixed Or Floating? Maybe Our Monetary Choice Is That Simple. Retrieved from Fixed Exchange Rate. (2018, April 30). Retrieved from What is best for international business: Fixed or Floating Exchange Rate Regime? (February , 2013). Retrieved from What is floating exchange rate? definition and meaning. (n.d.). Retrieved July 18, 2018, from Davidson, P. (2003). Are fixed exchange rates the problem and flexible exchange rates the cure? Eastern Economic Journal, 29(2), 259. Retrieved from Kenen, P. B. (2000). Fixed versus floating exchange rates. Cato Journal, 20(1), 109-113. Retrieved from Gagnon, J., & Hinterschweiger, M. (2011). Flexible exchange rates for a stable world economy. Washington, DC: Peterson Institute for International Economics