Please watch the two TED talks I posted under "FILM" on "Algorithms and Geography" and "Dystopia and Ads." Combining these short videos with at least one of our readings in the section on "The...

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Please watch the two TED talks I posted under "FILM" on "Algorithms and Geography" and "Dystopia and Ads." Combining these short videos with at least one of our readings in the section on "The Creation of Desire in Advertising," please discuss the dangers of dark posting and self-perpetuating algorithms in terms of advertisement (hint: something to do with informed debate and democratic discussion). Do not forget to make specific reference to an ethical model and its relevance to your reflection. Refer to the syllabus under "reflections" for specific formatting and generic directions. Also, please note that in making reference to the TED talks you are to cite the speakers by name and the full title of the talk.

Answered 1 days AfterNov 02, 2022

Answer To: Please watch the two TED talks I posted under "FILM" on "Algorithms and Geography" and "Dystopia and...

Parul answered on Nov 03 2022
54 Votes
Normal.dotm A4 US English
I found both the courses as well as both Ted Talks We're building a dysto
pia just to make people click on ads by Zeynep Tufekci and How algorithms shape our world by Kevin Slavin, extremely insightful and interesting. By the virtue of this post, I would delve deeper into the danger of dark posting, persuasion architecture, and self-perpetuating algorithms in the domain of media and advertisement.
In the digital world, persuasion architectures can be built at a massive scale of billions, and they can target, understand, infer, and be deployed at individuals sequentially by figuring out what are the weaknesses. These analyses can be shared with...

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